The Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is responsible for commenting on the annual scientific activities report, the annual business report and the annual financial report and afterwards to absolve the Board of Directors. Pending the approval of the Ministries of Culture and Finance, the Board of Trustees is responsible for setting the budget. It also votes on amendments to the bylaws and sets the agenda.
Members of the Board of Trustees are appointed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Continued Education. The following persons compose the Board of Trustees:


President of Trier University, Chairwoman
University of South Carolina, USA
University College Dublin, Ireland
University of Marburg, Germany
President of the Federal Labour Court, Germany
LISER, Luxembourg
University of Warsaw, Poland
Law faculty, Szeged University, Hungary
Renate Hornung-Draus
BDA, Department European Union and International Social Politics, Germany
Tilburg University, Netherlands
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany
European University Viadrina, Germany
Kerstin Kummermehr
Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Gesundheit
Institute for Employment Research (IAB) of the German Federal Employment Agency (BA), Germany
Karlsruhe Institute for Technology and Management, Germany
University of Erlangen–Nuremberg, Germany
University of Mainz, Germany
Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), Germany


Advisory Board

The Advisory Board confers on issues concerning endowments, especially the planning of more extensive research projects and the direction of research in general. The directors inform the Advisory Board, according to the bylaws of the endowment, of their decisions. The Advisory Board counsels the directors and adjudicates differences of opinion between them as well as assisting in their appointment. Since 2018 the Advisory Board consists of the following professors from Trier University:


Faculty II - Chinese Studies, Chairwoman
Faculty IV - Economics
Faculty IV - Business Administration
Faculty V - Law
Faculty V - Law

The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Monika Schlachter as representative for legal studies and Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke as representative of economic studies. Prof. Goerke is the current executive.