Studies on foreign, comparative and international labor law
Edited by Prof Dr. Dres. h.c. Rolf Birk †, Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Sadowski, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Monika Schlachter
The Institute for Labor Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union (IAAEU) is an interdisciplinary research institute with a focus on law and economics. The dissertations and publications published in the IAAEU series reflect this research focus: the volumes published to date cover a broad thematic spectrum and deal with topics such as individual and collective aspects of labor law, occupational health and safety, transnational social dialogue, the implementation of EU directives and comparative law between different member states.
The series is published by Nomos publisher, Baden-Baden, and offers a platform for well-founded monographs in the field of international and European labor law. The works published to date in the series can be found on the Nomos publisher homepage.
Edited by Prof Dr. Dres. h.c. Rolf Birk †, Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Dieter Sadowski, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Monika Schlachter
The Institute for Labor Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union (IAAEU) is an interdisciplinary research institute with a focus on law and economics. The dissertations and publications published in the IAAEU series reflect this research focus: the volumes published to date cover a broad thematic spectrum and deal with topics such as individual and collective aspects of labor law, occupational health and safety, transnational social dialogue, the implementation of EU directives and comparative law between different member states.
The series is published by Nomos publisher, Baden-Baden, and offers a platform for well-founded monographs in the field of international and European labor law. The works published to date in the series can be found on the Nomos publisher homepage.