Conferences and Lectures Economists
In 2024, the economic group of the Institute for Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union will again be represented at national and international conferences on economic and business issues. Below you will find an overview of the conference activities.
Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
Conference Attendance with Presentation
94th Annual Meeting of the Southern Economic Association ((Washington D.C., Vereinigte Staaten, 23.-25.11.2024))
“Business Stealing + Economic Rent = Insufficient Entry? – An Integrative Framework”.
“Business Stealing + Economic Rent = Insufficient Entry? – An Integrative Framework”.
24. Annual Meeting of the Association of Southern European Economic Theorists (Venice, Italy, 31.10.-02.11.2024)
“Profit-sharing a Free Entry Cournot Oligopoly”.
“Profit-sharing a Free Entry Cournot Oligopoly”.
39. Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economicsts (Naples, Italy, 02.-05.10.2024)
“Trade Union Membership and Bonus Payments: German Survey Evidence”.
“Trade Union Membership and Bonus Payments: German Survey Evidence”.
10th Anniversary Singapore Economic Review Conference (Singapore, 31.07.-02.08.2024)
“Business Stealing + Economic Rent = Insufficient Entry? – An Integrative Framework”.
“Business Stealing + Economic Rent = Insufficient Entry? – An Integrative Framework”.
50th Annual Conference of the Eastern Economic Association (Boston, USA, 01.-03.3.2024)
“Business Stealing + Economic Rent = Insufficient Entry? – An Integrative Framework”.
“Business Stealing + Economic Rent = Insufficient Entry? – An Integrative Framework”.
Research Seminar in Economic (Freie Universität Berlin, 25.1.2024)
"Trade Union Membership and Bonus Payments in Germany".
"Trade Union Membership and Bonus Payments in Germany".
International Conference on Public Economic Theory (PET 2024) (Santiago de Chile, Chile, 11.-12.01.2024)
“Business Stealing + Economic Rent = Insufficient Entry? – An Integrative Framework”.
“Business Stealing + Economic Rent = Insufficient Entry? – An Integrative Framework”.
Presentations by Coauthors
INFER Webinar (Online, 22.11.2024)
„Educational Mismatch and Trade Union Membership”, presented by: Theresa Geißler.
„Educational Mismatch and Trade Union Membership”, presented by: Theresa Geißler.
Conference Attendance
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik an der Technischen Universität Berlin (Berlin, 15.-16.09.2024)
XXIII. Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse der Unternehmung (GEABA) 2024 (Bonn, 12.-13.09.2024)
"Arbitraging in Labor Markets", Discussant for: Minrui Gong
"Arbitraging in Labor Markets", Discussant for: Minrui Gong
M. Sc. Björn Becker
Conference Attendance with Presentation
German Institute for Japanese Studies Tokyo – DIJ Study Group (Online, 12.12.2024)
“Higher Education, Lower Satisfaction – Hypogamy and Traditional Household Attitudes in Japan”.
“Higher Education, Lower Satisfaction – Hypogamy and Traditional Household Attitudes in Japan”.
The 23rd International Conference of the Japan Economic Policy Association (JEPA) (Online, 08.12.2024)
“Higher Education, Lower Satisfaction – Hypogamy and Traditional Household Attitudes in Japan”.
“Higher Education, Lower Satisfaction – Hypogamy and Traditional Household Attitudes in Japan”.
3rd Gender and Economics Workshop (Luxembourg (City), 23.-24.05.2024)
“Life Satisfaction and Educational Hypogamy among Traditional Attitudes”.
“Life Satisfaction and Educational Hypogamy among Traditional Attitudes”.
RCEA International Conference in Economics, Econometrics, and Finance (London, England, 20.-22.05.2024)
“Life Satisfaction and Educational Hypogamy among Traditional Attitudes”.
“Life Satisfaction and Educational Hypogamy among Traditional Attitudes”.
M. Sc. Marco Clemens
Conference Attendance with Presentation
26. Colloquium on Personnel Economics (Zurich, Switzerland, 15.-16.02.2024)
“Making the Right Call: The Heterogeneous Effects of Individual Performance Pay on Productivity”.
“Making the Right Call: The Heterogeneous Effects of Individual Performance Pay on Productivity”.
Presentations by Coauthors
39. Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economicsts (Naples, Italy, 02.-05.10.2024)
“Trade Union Membership and Bonus Payments: German Survey Evidence”, presented by: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke.
“Trade Union Membership and Bonus Payments: German Survey Evidence”, presented by: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke.
Research Seminar in Economic (Freie Universität Berlin, 25.1.2024)
"Trade Union Membership and Bonus Payments in Germany", presented by: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke.
"Trade Union Membership and Bonus Payments in Germany", presented by: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke.
M. Phil. Adam Feher
Conference Attendance with Presentation
American Law and Economics Association conference (Ann Arbor, USA, 17.-18.05.2024)
“How to enforce platforms’ liability”.
“How to enforce platforms’ liability”.
11th International Meeting in Law & Economics (Bruges, Belgium, 04-05.04.2024)
Optimal Liability for User Generated Content
Optimal Liability for User Generated Content
50th Annual Conference of the Eastern Economic Association (Boston, USA, 01.-03.3.2024)
“Organized Session on Monopsony and wages. Non-competition Agreements and Dedicated Human Capital"
“Organized Session on Monopsony and wages. Non-competition Agreements and Dedicated Human Capital"
DSA and platform regulation conference (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 15.-16.02.2024)
“How to enforce platforms’ liability”.
“How to enforce platforms’ liability”.
M. Sc. Theresa Geißler
Conference Attendance with Presentation
EEA-ESEM 2024: 39th meeting of the European Economic Association and 76th European meeting of the Econometric
(Rotterdam, Netherlands, 26.-30.08.2024)
"School Starting Age and Educational Mismatch".
"School Starting Age and Educational Mismatch".
SOEP 2024: 15th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference (Berlin, 04.-05.07.2024)
"School Starting Age and Educational Mismatch".
"School Starting Age and Educational Mismatch".
37. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Rotterdam, Netherlands, 15.-17.04.2024)
"School Starting Age and Educational Mismatch".
"School Starting Age and Educational Mismatch".
Scottish Economic Society 2024 Annual Conference (Glasgow, Scotland, 15.-17.04.2024)
"What an (un)favourable match?!".
"What an (un)favourable match?!".
Royal Economic Society 2024 Annual Conference (Belfast, Northern Ireland, 25.-27.03.2024)
"What an (un)favourable match?!".
"What an (un)favourable match?!".
Presentations by Coauthors
39. Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economicsts (Naples, Italy, 02-05.10.2024)
“School Starting Age and Educational Mismatch”, presented by: Dr. Sven Hartmann.
“School Starting Age and Educational Mismatch”, presented by: Dr. Sven Hartmann.
SOEP 2024: 15th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference (Berlin, 04.-05.07.2024)
“The Effect of Windfall Gains on Educational Mismatch: German Survey Evidence”, presented by: Marco Clemens.
“The Effect of Windfall Gains on Educational Mismatch: German Survey Evidence”, presented by: Marco Clemens.
Invited Talks
INFER Webinar (Online, 22.11.2024)
„Educational Mismatch and Trade Union Membership” .
„Educational Mismatch and Trade Union Membership” .
Dr. Sven Hartmann
Conference Attendance with Presentation
AASLE 2024 Conference (Bangkok, Thailand, 12-14.12.2024)
“Influence of Within-Class Age Differences on Adolescents' Eating Behaviors”.
“Influence of Within-Class Age Differences on Adolescents' Eating Behaviors”.
39. Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economicsts (Naples, Italy, 02.-05.10.2024)
“School Starting Age and Educational Mismatch”.
“School Starting Age and Educational Mismatch”.
EALE Conference (Bergen, Norway, 05.-07.09.2024)
“Television and Family Demography: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in East Germany”
“Television and Family Demography: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in East Germany”
AEA Annual Meeting: Allied Social Science Associations (San Antonio, USA, 05.-07.01.2024)
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
Presentations by Coauthors
37. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Rotterdam, Netherlands, 15.-17.04.2024)
"School Starting Age and Educational Mismatch", Presentation by: Theresa Geißler.
"School Starting Age and Educational Mismatch", Presentation by: Theresa Geißler.
Invited Talks
SOEP Brown Bag Seminar (DIW, Berlin, 24.01.2024)
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
Year's Issues 2023
Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
Conference Attendance with Presentation
Workshop of the Minimum Wage Commission (Berlin, 19.-20.10.2023)
"Minimum Wage Non-compliance: The Role of Co-determination".
"Minimum Wage Non-compliance: The Role of Co-determination".
96th International Atlantic Economic Conference (Philadelphia, United States, 05.-08.10.2023)
"Minimum Wage Non-compliance: The Role of Co-determination".
"Minimum Wage Non-compliance: The Role of Co-determination".
Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik (Regensburg, 24.-27.09.2023)
"A Cashless Payment Option in Face-to-Face Fundraising".
"A Cashless Payment Option in Face-to-Face Fundraising".
40th Annual Conference of the European Association of Law and Economics (Berlin, 21.-22.09.2023)
"Minimum Wage Non-compliance: The Role of Co-determination".
"Minimum Wage Non-compliance: The Role of Co-determination".
38th Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (Genoa, Italy, 08.-09.09.2023)
"Trade Union Membership and Life Satisfaction in Germany".
"Trade Union Membership and Life Satisfaction in Germany".
20th Annual Conference of the German Law and Economics Association (Budapest, Hungary, 06.-07.07.2023)
"Minimum Wage Non-compliance: The Role of Co-determination".
"Minimum Wage Non-compliance: The Role of Co-determination".
36th Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Belgrade, Serbia,
"Trade Unions and Life Satisfaction in Germany".
"Trade Unions and Life Satisfaction in Germany".
Measuring Progress Annual Workshop 2023 (Luxembourg (City), 02.-03.06.2023)
"Trade Unions and Life Satisfaction in Germany".
"Trade Unions and Life Satisfaction in Germany".
Annual Conference of the Royal Economic Society and Scottish Economic Society (Glasgow, Scotland,
"Collective Bargaining about Corporate Social Responsibility".
"Collective Bargaining about Corporate Social Responsibility".
Presentations by Coauthors
AASLE 2023 Conference (Taipei, Taiwan, 07.12.-09.12.2023)
"Trade Union Membership and Bonus Payments in Germany", presented by: Marco Clemens.
"Trade Union Membership and Bonus Payments in Germany", presented by: Marco Clemens.
25th INFER Annual Conference 2023 and XXth INTECO Workshop on Economic Integration (Valencia, Spain, 06.-08.09.2023)
"Educational Mismatch and Labour Market Institutions", presented by: Theresa Geißler.
"Educational Mismatch and Labour Market Institutions", presented by: Theresa Geißler.
83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Boston, USA, 04.-08.08.2023)
"Social Responses to Help from AI-enabled Voice Assistants and Their Effects on Job Satisfaction", presented by: Jonas Ossadnik.
"Social Responses to Help from AI-enabled Voice Assistants and Their Effects on Job Satisfaction", presented by: Jonas Ossadnik.
2nd Gender and Economics Workshop, Université du Luxembourg (Luxembourg (City), 29.-30.06.2023)
"Educational Mismatch and Labour Market Institutions", presented by: Theresa Geißler.
"Educational Mismatch and Labour Market Institutions", presented by: Theresa Geißler.
36th Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Belgrade, Serbia,
"Trade Union Membership and Bonus Payments in Germany", presented by: Marco Clemens.
"Trade Union Membership and Bonus Payments in Germany", presented by: Marco Clemens.
Young Economists‘ Meeting 2023 (Brno, Czech Republic, 25.-26.05.2023)
"Educational Mismatch and Labour Market Institutions", presented by: Theresa Geißler.
"Educational Mismatch and Labour Market Institutions", presented by: Theresa Geißler.
BeWell Meeting 2023: Berlin Network for Research on Well-being 4th Annual Meeting (Berlin,
"Trade Union Membership and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Björn Becker.
"Trade Union Membership and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Björn Becker.
AEA Annual Meeting: Allied Social Science Associations (New Orleans, USA, 06.-08.01.2023)
"Trade Union Membership and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Björn Becker.
"Trade Union Membership and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Björn Becker.
M. Sc. Björn Becker
Conference Attendance with Presentation
AASLE 2023 Conference (Taipei, Taiwan, 07.12.-09.12.2023)
"Life Satisfaction and Educational Hypogamy among Traditional Attitudes".
"Life Satisfaction and Educational Hypogamy among Traditional Attitudes".
BeWell Meeting 2023: Berlin Network for Research on Well-being 4th Annual Meeting (Berlin,
"Trade Union Membership and Life Satisfaction in Germany"
"Trade Union Membership and Life Satisfaction in Germany"
AEA Annual Meeting; Allied Social Science Associations (New Orleans, USA, 06.-08.01.2023)
"Trade Union Membership and Life Satisfaction in Germany"
"Trade Union Membership and Life Satisfaction in Germany"
Presentations by Coauthors
38. Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (Genoa, Italy, 08.-09.09.2023)
"Trade Union Membership and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
"Trade Union Membership and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
36. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Belgrade, Serbia,
"Trade Unions and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
"Trade Unions and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
Measuring Progress Annual Workshop 2023 (Luxembourg (City), 02.-03.06.2023)
"Trade Unions and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
"Trade Unions and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
M. Sc. Fenet Bedaso
Conference Attendance with Presentation
2nd Gender and Economics Workshop, Université du Luxembourg (Luxembourg (City), 29.-30.06.2023)
"Her Job, her Safety? Domestic Violence and Women's Economic Empowerment in Ethiopia"
"Her Job, her Safety? Domestic Violence and Women's Economic Empowerment in Ethiopia"
International Confederation of Association for Pluralism in
Economics (ICAPE) (New Orleans, 13.01.2023)
"Occupational Segregation and Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from Ethiopia"
"Occupational Segregation and Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from Ethiopia"
M. Sc. Marco Clemens
Conference Attendance with Presentation
AASLE 2023 Conference (Taipei, Taiwan, 07.12.-09.12.2023)
"Trade Union Membership and Bonus Payments in Germany".
"Trade Union Membership and Bonus Payments in Germany".
9. Annual Conference of the International Association for Applied Econometrics (Oslo, Norway,
„Making the Right Call: The Heterogeneous Effects of Individual Performance Pay on Productivity”.
„Making the Right Call: The Heterogeneous Effects of Individual Performance Pay on Productivity”.
36. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Belgrade, Serbia,
"Trade Union Membership and Bonus Payments in Germany".
"Trade Union Membership and Bonus Payments in Germany".
Royal Economic Society PhD Conference (Glasgow, Scotland, 09.06.2023)
„Making the Right Call: The Heterogeneous Effects of Individual Performance Pay on Productivity”.
„Making the Right Call: The Heterogeneous Effects of Individual Performance Pay on Productivity”.
25. Colloquium on Personnel Economics (Amsterdam, Netherlands, 23./24.03.2023)
“Bonuses, Profit-sharing and Job Satisfaction: the More, the Better?”.
“Bonuses, Profit-sharing and Job Satisfaction: the More, the Better?”.
M. Phil. Adam Feher
Conference Attendance with Presentation
Asia-Pacific Industrial Organization Conference (Hong Kong, 15.-17.12.2023)
"How to Enforce Platforms’ Liability"
"How to Enforce Platforms’ Liability"
Winter School on Data, Personalization, and The Law (Leiden, Netherlands, 04.-08.12.2023)
"How to Enforce Platforms’ Liability"
"How to Enforce Platforms’ Liability"
Digimeet (Online, 28.11.2023)
"How to Enforce Platforms’ Liability"
"How to Enforce Platforms’ Liability"
M. Sc. Theresa Geißler
Conference Attendance with Presentation
III LABORatorio R. Revelli Biannual Workshop on “Health, Retirement, Mismatch and Data for Policy Evaluation” (Turin, Italy, 30.11.-01.12.2023)
"School Starting Age and Educational Mismatch"
"School Starting Age and Educational Mismatch"
25th INFER Annual Conference 2023 and XXth INTECO Workshop on Economic Integration (Valencia, Spain, 06.-08.09.2023)
"Educational Mismatch and Labour Market Institutions"
"Educational Mismatch and Labour Market Institutions"
27th Annual Conference of the Society for Institutional & Organizational Economics (Frankfurt,
"What an (un)favourable match?! The mitigating effect of the employment sector on the relationship between overeducation and job satisfaction"
"What an (un)favourable match?! The mitigating effect of the employment sector on the relationship between overeducation and job satisfaction"
2nd Gender and Economics Workshop, Université du Luxembourg (Luxembourg (City), 29.-30.06.2023)
"Educational Mismatch and Labour Market Institutions"
"Educational Mismatch and Labour Market Institutions"
5th International Conference on European Studies, CefES (Zurich, Switzerland, 12.-15.06.2023)
"What an (un)favourable match?! The mitigating effect of the employment sector on the relationship between overeducation and job satisfaction"
"What an (un)favourable match?! The mitigating effect of the employment sector on the relationship between overeducation and job satisfaction"
Young Economists‘ Meeting 2023 (Brno, Czech Republic, 25.-26.05.2023)
"Educational Mismatch and Labour Market Institutions"
"Educational Mismatch and Labour Market Institutions"
BeWell Meeting 2023: Berlin Network for Research on Well-being 4th Annual Meeting (Berlin,
"What an (un)favourable match?!"
"What an (un)favourable match?!"
Dr. Sven Hartmann
Conference Attendance with Presentation
AASLE 2023 Conference (Taipei, Taiwan, 07.12.-09.12.2023)
"Television and Family Demography: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in East Germany".
"Television and Family Demography: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in East Germany".
Annual Congress of the Verein für Socialpolitik (Regensburg, 24.09.-27.09.2023)
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
EEA-ESEM Congress (Barcelona, Spain, 28.08.-01.09.2023)
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germanys",
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germanys",
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
2023 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society (Online, 30.06.-02.07.2023)
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
36. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Belgrade, Serbia,
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
Annual Conference of the Royal Economic Society and Scottish Economic Society (Glasgow, Scotland,
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
Meeting of the European Public Choice Society (Hanover, 22.-25.03.2023)
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
CESifo Area Conference on Energy and Climate Economics (Munich, 10.-11.03.2023)
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
International Conference on "The Political Economy of Democracy and Dictatorship" (Münster,
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
"Fog or Smog? The Impact of Uncensored Reporting on Pollution on Individuals' Environmental Awareness".
AEA Annual Meeting: Allied Social Science Associations (New Orleans, USA, 06.-08.01.2023)
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany".
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany".
Presentations by Coauthors
III LABORatorio R. Revelli Biannual Workshop on “Health, Retirement, Mismatch and Data for Policy Evaluation” (Turin, Italy, 30.11.-01.12.2023)
"School Starting Age and Educational Mismatch", presented by: Theresa Geißler.
"School Starting Age and Educational Mismatch", presented by: Theresa Geißler.
Annual Meeting of the Society of Labor Economists (SOLE) (Philadelphia, USA, 13.05.2023)
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany", presented by: Manuel Hoffmann.
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany", presented by: Manuel Hoffmann.
Seminar Series of the Department of Economics at Tufts University (Medford, USA, 07.03.2023)
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany", presented by: Manuel Hoffmann.
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany", presented by: Manuel Hoffmann.
Dr. Yue Huang
Presentations by Coauthors
38. Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (Genoa, Italy, 08.-09.09.2023)
"Trade Union Membership and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
"Trade Union Membership and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
36. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Belgrade, Serbia,
"Trade Unions and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
"Trade Unions and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
Measuring Progress Annual Workshop 2023 (Luxembourg (City), 02.-03.06.2023)
"Trade Unions and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
"Trade Unions and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
BeWell Meeting 2023: Berlin Network for Research on Well-being 4th Annual Meeting (Berlin,
"Trade Union Membership and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Björn Becker.
"Trade Union Membership and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Björn Becker.
AEA Annual Meeting: Allied Social Science Associations (New Orleans, USA, 06.-08.01.2023)
"Trade Union Membership and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Björn Becker.
"Trade Union Membership and Life Satisfaction in Germany", presented by: Björn Becker.
Year's Issues 2022
Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
Conference Attendance with Presentations
International Conference on Public Economic Theory (PET 2022) (Marseille, France, 08.-10.06.2022)
"On the Welfare Effects of Adverse Selection in Oligopolistic Markets"
"Collective Bargaining about Corporate Social Responsibility"
"On the Welfare Effects of Adverse Selection in Oligopolistic Markets"
"Collective Bargaining about Corporate Social Responsibility"
56th Annual Canadian Economics
Association Meeting
(Online, 31.05.-04.06.2022)
Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany
Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany
COPE 2022 - Conference
(Herning, Denmark, 16.-18.03.2022)
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany"
"Wage Determination in the Shadow of the Law: The Case of Works Councilors in Germany"
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany"
"Wage Determination in the Shadow of the Law: The Case of Works Councilors in Germany"
BeWell Workshop: Well-being and Public Economics (Wittenberg,
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany"
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany"
Presentations by Coauthors
Annual Congress of the
Verein für Sozialpolitik (Basel, Switzerland, 11.-14.09.2022)
“Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany”, presented by: Dr. Yue Huang
“Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany”, presented by: Dr. Yue Huang
49 EARIE Annual Conference (Vienna, Austria, 25-27.08.2022)
"Informational Rents and the Excessive Entry Theorem: The Case of Hidden Action.", presented by: Alberto Palermo.
"Informational Rents and the Excessive Entry Theorem: The Case of Hidden Action.", presented by: Alberto Palermo.
Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society in East
and South-East Asia (Online, 08.-10.08.2022)
“Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany”, presented by: Dr. Yue Huang
“Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany”, presented by: Dr. Yue Huang
International Association for the Economics
of Participation (IAFEP) (Monpellier, France, 06.-08.07.2022)
"Immigrants and Trade Union Membership: Does Integration into Society and Workplace Play a Moderating Role?", presented by: Fenet Bedaso.
"Immigrants and Trade Union Membership: Does Integration into Society and Workplace Play a Moderating Role?", presented by: Fenet Bedaso.
14th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference (SOEP 2022)
(Berlin, 30.06-01.07.2022)
"Immigrants and Trade Union Membership: Does Integration into Society and Workplace Play a Moderating Role?", presented by: Fenet Bedaso.
"Immigrants and Trade Union Membership: Does Integration into Society and Workplace Play a Moderating Role?", presented by: Fenet Bedaso.
SOEP 2022: 14th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference (Berlin,
"Life Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Björn Becker.
"Life Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Björn Becker.
International Association for Applied Econometrics
(London, United Kingdom, 21.-24.06.2022)
“Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany”, presented by: Dr. Yue Huang
“Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany”, presented by: Dr. Yue Huang
XXIV Applied Economics Meeting, Asociación Libre de Economia (ALdE) (Palma, Spain, 09.-10.06.2022)
"Life Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Björn Becker.
"Life Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Björn Becker.
Scottish Economic Society Annual Conference
(Glasgow, United Kingdom, 25.-27.04.2022)
"Immigrants and Trade Union Membership: Does Integration into Society and Workplace Play a Moderating Role?", presented by: Fenet Bedaso.
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions", presented by: Sven Hartmann.
"Immigrants and Trade Union Membership: Does Integration into Society and Workplace Play a Moderating Role?", presented by: Fenet Bedaso.
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions", presented by: Sven Hartmann.
Conference Attendance
Tagung des Bevölkerungsökonomischen Ausschusses des Vereins für Socialpolitik am IWH Halle (Halle,
M. Sc. Björn Becker
Conference Attendance with Presentation
SOEP 2022: 14th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference (Berlin,
"Life Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany"
"Life Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany"
XXIV Applied Economics Meeting, Asociación Libre de Economia (ALdE) (Palma, Spain,
"Life Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany"
"Life Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany"
M. Sc. Fenet Bedaso
Conference Attendance with Presentation
EU-Mediterranean and African Network for
Economic Studies (EMANES) (Barcelona, 15.-16.12.2022)
"Occupational Segregation and Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from Ethiopia"
"Occupational Segregation and Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from Ethiopia"
Asian and Australasian Society of
Labour Economics 2022 (Online, 08.-10.12.2022)
"Occupational Segregation and Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from Ethiopia"
"Occupational Segregation and Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from Ethiopia"
94th International Atlantic Economic Conference
(Washington, D.C., USA, 06.-09.10.2022)
"Occupational Segregation and Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from Ethiopia"
"Occupational Segregation and Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from Ethiopia"
International Association for the Economics
of Participation (IAFEP) (Monpellier, France, 06.-08.07.2022)
"Immigrants and Trade Union Membership: Does Integration into Society and Workplace Play a Moderating Role?"
"Immigrants and Trade Union Membership: Does Integration into Society and Workplace Play a Moderating Role?"
14th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference (SOEP 2022)
(Berlin, 30.06-01.07.2022)
"Immigrants and Trade Union Membership: Does Integration into Society and Workplace Play a Moderating Role?"
"Immigrants and Trade Union Membership: Does Integration into Society and Workplace Play a Moderating Role?"
2022 Asian Meeting of the
Econometric Society (Shenzhen, China, 22.-24.06.2022)
"Occupational Segregation and Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from Ethiopia"
"Occupational Segregation and Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from Ethiopia"
XXIV Applied Economics Meeting,
Asociación Libre de Economia (ALdE) (Palma, Spain, 09.06.-10.06.2022)
"Occupational Segregation and Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from Ethiopia"
"Occupational Segregation and Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from Ethiopia"
24th International Network for
Economic Research (INFER) Annaul Conference (Timisoara, Romania, 08.-10.06.2022)
"Occupational Segregation and Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from Ethiopia"
"Occupational Segregation and Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from Ethiopia"
The 2022 Africa Meeting
of the Econometric Society (AFES) (Online, 01.-04.06.2022)
"Occupational Segregation and Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from Ethiopia"
"Occupational Segregation and Gender Pay Gap: Evidence from Ethiopia"
Scottish Economic Society Annual Conference
(Glasgow, United Kingdom, 25.-27.04.2022)
"Immigrants and Trade Union Membership: Does Integration into Society and Workplace Play a Moderating Role?"
"Immigrants and Trade Union Membership: Does Integration into Society and Workplace Play a Moderating Role?"
COPE 2022 - Conference
(Herning, Denmark, 16.-18.03.2022)
"The Labor Market Integration of Refugees and other Migrants in Germany"
"The Labor Market Integration of Refugees and other Migrants in Germany"
M. Sc. Marco Clemens
Conference Attendance with Presentation
10th UECE Conference on Economic and Financial Adjustments (Lisbon, Portugal,
“Bonus Payments and Job Satisfaction in Germany”
“Bonus Payments and Job Satisfaction in Germany”
XV Labour Economics Meeting (Albacete, Spanien, 29.06-01.07.2022)
“Bonus Payments and Job Satisfaction in Germany”
“Bonus Payments and Job Satisfaction in Germany”
M. Sc. Jonas Feld
Conference Attendance with Presentation
Econometric Society 2022 Australasia Meeting
(Online, 06.-08.07.2022)
“Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis”
“Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis”
European Society for Population Economics
(ESPE) (Cosenza, Italy, 16.-18.06.2022)
“Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis”
“Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis”
56th Annual Canadian Econimics
Association Meeting Carleton University (Online, 31.05.-04.06.2022)
“Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis”
“Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis”
11th ifo Dresden Workshop in Labor Economics and
Social Policy (Dresden, 12.-13.05.2022)
“Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis”
“Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis”
M. Sc. Sven Hartmann
Conference Attendance with Presentation
CESifo Area Conference: Economics of Digitization (Munich, 18.11-19.11.2022)
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany"
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany"
Annual Congress of the
Verein für Socialpolitik (Basel, Switzerland, 11.09-14.09.2022)
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany"
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany"
EALE Conference (Padua, Italy, 08.09-10.09.2022)
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany"
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany"
Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society in East
and South-East Asia (Online, 08.08-10.08.2022)
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany"
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany"
2022 Asian Meeting of the
Econometric Society (Online, 22.-24.06.2022)
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany"
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany"
34. Annual Conference of the European Society for
Population Economics (Cosenza, Italy, 16.-18.06.2022)
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany"
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany"
Scottish Economic Society Annual Conference
(Glasgow, United Kingdom, 25.-27.04.2022)
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions"
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions"
Invited Talks
Seminar on Labour Economics of the University of Bath (Online, 01.04.2022)
"Television and Gender Stereotypes"
"Television and Gender Stereotypes"
Dr. Yue Huang
Conference Attendance with Presentation
Annual Congress of the
Verein für Sozialpolitik (Basel, Switzerland, 11.-14.09.2022)
“Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany”
“Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany”
Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society in East
and South-East Asia (Online, 08.-10.08.2022)
“Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany”
“Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany”
Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society in
China (Online, 22.-24.06.2022)
“Home sweet home: Working from home and employee performance during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK”
“Home sweet home: Working from home and employee performance during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK”
International Association for Applied Econometrics
(London, United Kingdom, 21.-24.06.2022)
“Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany”
“Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany”
Economic Society Annual Conference (Online, 11.-13.04.2022)
“Home sweet home: Working from home and employee performance during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK”
“Home sweet home: Working from home and employee performance during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK”
Presentations by Coauthors
SOEP 2022: 14th International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference (Berlin,
"Life Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", Vortrag durch: Björn Becker.
"Life Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", Vortrag durch: Björn Becker.
Econometric Society 2022 Australasia Meeting
(Brisbane, Australia, 06.-08.07.2022)
“Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis”, presented by: Jonas Feld
“Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis”, presented by: Jonas Feld
European Society for Population Economics
(ESPE) (Cosenza, Italy, 16.-18.06.2022)
“Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis”, presented by: Jonas Feld
“Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis”, presented by: Jonas Feld
XXIV Applied Economics Meeting, Asociación Libre de Economia (ALdE) (Palma, Spain,
"Life Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Björn Becker.
"Life Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Björn Becker.
56th Annual Canadian Econimics
Association Meeting Carleton University (Online, 31.05.-04.06.2022)
“Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis”, presented by: Jonas Feld
“Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis”, presented by: Jonas Feld
56th Annual Canadian Economics
Association Meeting
(Online, 31.05.-04.06.2022)
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
11th ifo Dresden Workshop in Labor Economics and
Social Policy (Dresden, 12.-13.05.2022)
“Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis”, presented by: Jonas Feld
“Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis”, presented by: Jonas Feld
COPE 2022 - Conference
(Herning, Denmark, 16.-18.03.2022)
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
BeWell Workshop: Well-being and Public Economics (Wittenberg,
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
Dr. Alberto Palermo
Conference Attendance with Presentation
49 EARIE Annual Conference (Vienna, Austria, 25-27.08.2022)
"Informational Rents and the Excessive Entry Theorem: The Case of Hidden Action."
"Informational Rents and the Excessive Entry Theorem: The Case of Hidden Action."
Presentations by Coauthors
International Conference on Public Economic Theory (PET 2022) (Marseille, France, 08.-10.6.2022)
"On the Welfare Effects of Adverse Selection in Oligopolistic Markets", presented by: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
"On the Welfare Effects of Adverse Selection in Oligopolistic Markets", presented by: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
Dr. Nora Paulus
Presentations by Coauthors
International Conference on Public Economic Theory (PET 2022) (Marseille, France, 08.-10.6.2022)
"Collective Bargaining about Corporate Social Responsibility", presented by: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
"Collective Bargaining about Corporate Social Responsibility", presented by: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
Year's Issues 2021
Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
Conference Attendance with Presentations
Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics
2021 Conference (Online, 09.-11.12.2021)
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions"
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions"
36. Conference of the Italian Association of Labour
Economists (Online, 25.-26.11.2021)
"Collective Bargaining about Corporate Social Responsibility"
"Collective Bargaining about Corporate Social Responsibility"
5. Marburg Workshop Angewandte Mikroökonomie (Marburg, 19.11.2021)
"Collective Bargaining about Corporate Social Responsibility"
"Collective Bargaining about Corporate Social Responsibility"
Presentations by Coauthors
TriECON- Workshop on Trade Unions and
Migration (Online, 17.12.2021)
"Immigrants and Trade Unions Membership: Does Integration into Society and Workplace play a Moderating Role?", presented by: Fenet Bedaso.
"Immigrants and Trade Unions Membership: Does Integration into Society and Workplace play a Moderating Role?", presented by: Fenet Bedaso.
Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics
2021 Conference (Online, 09.-11.12.2021)
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Yue Huang.
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Yue Huang.
EALE Annual Conference
(Online, 16.-18.09.2021)
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Yue Huang.
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Yue Huang.
EEA-ESEM Annual Congress
(Online, 23.-27.08.2021)
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Yue Huang.
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Yue Huang.
25th Annual ISNIE/SIOE Conference (Online,
"On the Welfare Effects of Adverse Selection in Oligopolistic Markets", presented by: Alberto Palermo.
"On the Welfare Effects of Adverse Selection in Oligopolistic Markets", presented by: Alberto Palermo.
IAREP-SABE Conference 2021 (Online,
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions", presented by: Sven Hartmann.
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions", presented by: Sven Hartmann.
Workshop on Labour Economics 2021 (Online, 25.-26.03.2021)
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Yue Huang.
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany", presented by: Yue Huang.
Crowdworking Symposium (September 17, 2021)
"Career Concerns on a Digital Platform: When Reputation Works and When it Doesn’t", Discussant for: Chiara Belletti.
"Career Concerns on a Digital Platform: When Reputation Works and When it Doesn’t", Discussant for: Chiara Belletti.
M. Sc. Fenet Bedaso
Conference Attendance with Presentations
TriECON- Workshop on Trade Unions and
Migration (Online, 17.12.2021)
"Immigrants and Trade Unions Membership: Does Integration into Society and Workplace play a Moderating Role?"
"Immigrants and Trade Unions Membership: Does Integration into Society and Workplace play a Moderating Role?"
Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics
2021 Conference (Online, 09-11.12.2021)
"The Labor Market Integration of Refugees and other Migrants in Germany"
"The Labor Market Integration of Refugees and other Migrants in Germany"
M. Sc. Jonas Feld
Conference Attendance with Presentations
Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics
2021 Conference (Online, 09.-11.12.2021)
"Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis".
"Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis".
34th Annual Conference of the European Society for
Population Economics (Online, 17.-19.06.2021)
"Returns to Migrant Skills and Linguistic Proximity".
"Returns to Migrant Skills and Linguistic Proximity".
M. Sc. Sven Hartmann
Conference Attendance with Presentations
EP@P Workshop "Economics & Politics at Paris (Sciences Po Paris, Paris, France, 13.-14.12.2021)
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
19th Brucchi Luchino
Labor Economics Workshop (USI Università della Svizzera italiana, Lugano, Switzerland,
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
36. Conference of the Italian Association of Labour
Economists (Online, 25.-26.11.2021)
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
2021 Australasian Meeting of the Econometric Society (Online,
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
2021 China Meeting of the Econometric Society
(Online, 01.-03.07.2021)
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
14. Labour Economics Meeting (JEL) (Online, 30.06.-02.07.2021)
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany."
"Television and Labor Supply: Evidence from Natural Experiments in West and East Germany."
2021 Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society (Online,
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
34th Annual Conference of the European Society for
Population Economics (Online, 17.-19.06.2021)
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
IAREP-SABE Conference 2021 (Online,
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions."
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions."
26. Annual Meeting of the Society of Labor
Economists (Online, 14.-15.05.2021)
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
Scottish Economic Society Annual Conference (Online,
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
2021 Meeting of the European Public Choice
Society (Online, 21.-22.04.2021)
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
TriECON - Workshop on Media
Economics (Online, 15.01.2021)
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
ASSA 2021 Annual
Meeting (Online, 03.-05.01.2021)
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
Presentations by Coauthors
Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics
2021 Conference (Online, 09.-11.12.2021)
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
Conference Attendance
"Digital Methods in History and Economics" (Online, 14.-15.10.2021)
Dr. Yue Huang
Conference Attendance with Presentations
Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics
2021 Conference (Online, 09.-11.12.2021)
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany."
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany."
EALE Annual Conference (Online, 16.-18.09.2021)
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany."
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany."
Congress (Online, 23.-27.08.2021)
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany."
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany."
2021 Asian Meeting of the
Econometric Society (Online, 25.-27.06.2021)
"Home Sweet Home: Working from home and employee performance during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK."
"Home Sweet Home: Working from home and employee performance during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK."
Migration and Intergration Revisited: Lessons from the Recent Past (Online, 27.-28.05.2021)
"Immigration and Crimes against Natives: The 2015 Refugee Crisis in Germany."
"Immigration and Crimes against Natives: The 2015 Refugee Crisis in Germany."
Workshop on COVID-19 and Labour Markets (Online, 07.05.2021)
"Home sweet home: Working from home and employee performance during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK."
"Home sweet home: Working from home and employee performance during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK."
Workshop on Labour Economics 2021 (Online,
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany."
"Job Satisfaction and Trade Union Membership in Germany."
Presentations by Coauthors
Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics
2021 Conference (Online, 09.-11.12.2021)
"Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis", presented by: Jonas Feld.
"Confucius Institutes and Labour Market Outcomes of Chinese Immigrants in the US: A Regional-level Analysis", presented by: Jonas Feld.
EEA-ESEM Annual Congress
(Online, 23-27.08.2021)
"Home Sweet Home: Working from Home and Employee Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the UK.", presented by: Max Deter.
"Home Sweet Home: Working from Home and Employee Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the UK.", presented by: Max Deter.
Economics Association Conference 2021 (CEA) (Online, 03.-05.06.2021)
"Home Sweet Home: Working from Home and Employee Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the UK.", presented by: Max Deter.
"Home Sweet Home: Working from Home and Employee Performance During the COVID-19 Pandemic in the UK.", presented by: Max Deter.
10th ifo Dresden
Workshop on Labor Economics and Social Policy (Online, 06.05.2021)
"Home Sweet Home: Working from home and employee performance during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK.", presented by: Max Deter.
"Home Sweet Home: Working from home and employee performance during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK.", presented by: Max Deter.
BeWell (Online, 18.03.2021)
"Suffering and prejudice: Do negative emotions predict immigration concerns?", presented by: Sumit S. Deole.
"Suffering and prejudice: Do negative emotions predict immigration concerns?", presented by: Sumit S. Deole.
Bamberg-Halle-Jena-Leipzig Workshop (Online, 29.01.2021)
"Please do try this at home: COVID-19 workplace restrictions and employee performance in the UK.", presented by: Sumit S. Deole.
"Please do try this at home: COVID-19 workplace restrictions and employee performance in the UK.", presented by: Sumit S. Deole.
Seminar at University Wuppertal (Online, 05.01.2021)
"Home Sweet Home: Home Office and Employees' Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the UK.", presented by: Max Deter.
"Home Sweet Home: Home Office and Employees' Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the UK.", presented by: Max Deter.
Dr. Alberto Palermo
Conference Attendance with Presentations
5. Marburg Workshop Angewandte Mikroökonomie (Marburg, 19.11.2021)
"Informational Rents and the Excessive Entry Theorem: The Case of Hidden Action."
"Informational Rents and the Excessive Entry Theorem: The Case of Hidden Action."
25th Annual
ISNIE/SIOE Conference (Online, 24.-26.06.2021)
"On the Welfare Effects of Adverse Selection in Oligopolistic Markets."
"On the Welfare Effects of Adverse Selection in Oligopolistic Markets."
Dr. Nora Paulus
Conference Attendance with Presentations
8th Annual Mannheim Taxation Conference (Online, 09-10.09.2021)
“The Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive: An Initiative To Successfully Curb Profit Shifting?”
“The Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive: An Initiative To Successfully Curb Profit Shifting?”
The International Conference on Economic Modeling and Data Science (EcoMod2021) (Online,
“The Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive: An Initiative To Successfully Curb Profit Shifting?”
“The Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive: An Initiative To Successfully Curb Profit Shifting?”
77th Annual Congress of the IIPF (Online, 18-20.08.2021)
“The Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive: An Initiative To Successfully Curb Profit Shifting?”
“The Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive: An Initiative To Successfully Curb Profit Shifting?”
Presentations by Coauthors
36. Conference of the Italian Association of Labour
Economists (Online, 25.-26.11.2021)
"Collective Bargaining about Corporate Social Responsibility", presented by: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke.
"Collective Bargaining about Corporate Social Responsibility", presented by: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke.
EALE 5. Marburg Workshop Angewandte Mikrpoökonomie (Marburg, 19.11.2021)
"Collective Bargaining about Corporate Social Responsibility", presented by: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke.
"Collective Bargaining about Corporate Social Responsibility", presented by: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke.
TriECON - Workshop on
Inequality and Polarization (Online, 11.06.2021)
“Institutional Determinants of Job Polarization – A Panel-Data Analysis”, presented by: Maxime Pettinger.
“Institutional Determinants of Job Polarization – A Panel-Data Analysis”, presented by: Maxime Pettinger.
Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
Conference Attendance with Presentations
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2020 (Online, 27.-30.09.2020)
"Trade Unions and Corporate Social Responsibility."
"Trade Unions and Corporate Social Responsibility."
35. Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (Online,
"Trade Unions and Corporate Social Responsibility."
"Trade Unions and Corporate Social Responsibility."
76. Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance (Online,
"Trade Unions and Corporate Social Responsibility."
"Trade Unions and Corporate Social Responsibility."
Presentations by Coauthors
TriECON - Workshop on Co-Determination (Online, 11.12.2020)
"Does it Pay to Be a Works Councilor? Evidence from Germany", Vortrag durch: Markus Pannenberg.
"Does it Pay to Be a Works Councilor? Evidence from Germany", Vortrag durch: Markus Pannenberg.
TriECON - Workshop on Organizations, Incentives and Performance Pay (Online, 20.11.2020)
"On the Welfare Effect of Adverse Selection in Oligopolistic Markets", Vortrag durch: Alberto Palermo.
"On the Welfare Effect of Adverse Selection in Oligopolistic Markets", Vortrag durch: Alberto Palermo.
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2020 (Online, 27.-30.09.2020)
"Does it Pay to Be a Works Councilor? Evidence from Germany", Vortrag durch: Markus Pannenberg.
"Does it Pay to Be a Works Councilor? Evidence from Germany", Vortrag durch: Markus Pannenberg.
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2020 (Online, 27.-30.09.2020)
"Informational Rents and the Excessive Entry Theorem: The Case of Hidden Action", Vortrag durch: Alberto Palermo.
"Informational Rents and the Excessive Entry Theorem: The Case of Hidden Action", Vortrag durch: Alberto Palermo.
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2020 (Online, 27.-30.09.2020)
"On the Welfare Effect of Adverse Selection in Oligopolistic Markets", Vortrag durch: Alberto Palermo.
"On the Welfare Effect of Adverse Selection in Oligopolistic Markets", Vortrag durch: Alberto Palermo.
SABE 2020 Annual Conference (Online, 22.-26.07.2020)
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions", Vortrag durch: Sven Hartmann.
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions", Vortrag durch: Sven Hartmann.
Conference Attendance
Tagung des Ausschusses für Bevölkerungsökonomik des Vereins für Socialpolitik an der Universität Basel
(Basel, 14.02. – 15.02.2020)
M. Sc. Fenet Bedaso
Conference Attendance with Presentations
TriECON - Workshop on Labour Markets and Migration (Online, 30.10.2020)
"The Labour Market Integration of Refugees and other Migrants in Germany."
"The Labour Market Integration of Refugees and other Migrants in Germany."
M. Sc. Jonas Feld
Conference Attendance with Presentations
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2020 (Online, 27.-30.09.2020)
"Linguistic Proximity and Heterogeneity in Returns to Migrant Skills."
"Linguistic Proximity and Heterogeneity in Returns to Migrant Skills."
M. Sc. Sven Hartmann
Conference Attendance with Presentations
22. INFER Annual Conference (Online, 14.-16.12.2020)
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2020 (Online, 27.-30.09.2020)
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
35. Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (Online,
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
"Television and Gender Stereotypes."
SABE 2020 Annual Conference (Online, 22.-26.07.2020)
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions."
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions."
ASSA 2020 Annual Meeting (San Diego, USA, 03.-05.01.2020)
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
M. A. Konstantin Homolka
Conference Attendance with Presentations
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2020 (Online, 27.-30.09.2020)
"Little Lies and Blind Eyes - Experimental Evidence on Cheating and Task Performance in Work Groups."
"Little Lies and Blind Eyes - Experimental Evidence on Cheating and Task Performance in Work Groups."
Workshop on Digitalization in Economics and Management (Bildungscampus
Heilbronn, Heilbronn 27.-28.01.2020)
"When Do I Abstain from the Lottery? How Increased Transparency of Data Processing Changes the Willingness to Share Personal Data."
"When Do I Abstain from the Lottery? How Increased Transparency of Data Processing Changes the Willingness to Share Personal Data."
Dr. Yue Huang
Conference Attendance with Presentations
The Relationship between Welfare State, Immigrant Integration, and Crime
(Online, Universität Lausanne, 26.-27.10.2020)
"Immigration and Crimes Against Natives: The 2015 Refugee Crisis in Germany."
"Immigration and Crimes Against Natives: The 2015 Refugee Crisis in Germany."
Dr. Alberto Palermo
Conference Attendance with Presentations
TriECON - Workshop on Organizations, Incentives and Performance Pay (Online, 20.11.2020)
"On the Welfare Effect of Adverse Selection in Oligopolistic Markets."
"On the Welfare Effect of Adverse Selection in Oligopolistic Markets."
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2020 (Online, 27.-30.09.2020)
"Informational Rents and the Excessive Entry Theorem: The Case of Hidden Action."
"Informational Rents and the Excessive Entry Theorem: The Case of Hidden Action."
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2020 (Online, 27.-30.09.2020)
"On the Welfare Effect of Adverse Selection in Oligopolistic Markets."
"On the Welfare Effect of Adverse Selection in Oligopolistic Markets."
M. Sc. Gabriel Schultze
Conference Attendance with Presentations
TriECON - Workshop on Co-Determination (Online, 11.12.2020)
"Overtime, Works Councils and Collective Bargaining Agreements."
"Overtime, Works Councils and Collective Bargaining Agreements."
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2020 (Online, 27.-30.09.2020)
"Does Relative Age Make Jack a Dull Student? Evidence from Students’ Schoolwork and Playtime."
"Does Relative Age Make Jack a Dull Student? Evidence from Students’ Schoolwork and Playtime."
Dr. Joanna Tyrowicz
Conference Attendance with Presentations
Netspar International Pension Workshop Netspar International Pension Workshop
"Inequalities in Long-Term Care Needs and Mortality."
"Inequalities in Long-Term Care Needs and Mortality."
Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
Conference Attendance with Presentations
Asian and Australasian Society of Labour Economics (AASLE) 2019 conference
(National University of Singapore, Singapur, 12.-14.12.2019):
"Thorstein Veblen, Joan Robinson and George Stigler (probably) never met: Social Preferences, Monopsony, and Government Intervention."
"Thorstein Veblen, Joan Robinson and George Stigler (probably) never met: Social Preferences, Monopsony, and Government Intervention."
The Political Economy of International Conflict and Cooperation (Insel
Reichenau, 26.-28.09.2019):
"FDI in a Cournot-oligopoly with Endogenous Entry."
"FDI in a Cournot-oligopoly with Endogenous Entry."
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2019 (Universität Leipzig,
Leipzig, 22.-25.09.2019):
"Thorstein Veblen, Joan Robinson and George Stigler (probably) never met: Social Preferences, Monopsony, and Government Intervention."
"Thorstein Veblen, Joan Robinson and George Stigler (probably) never met: Social Preferences, Monopsony, and Government Intervention."
XX. Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse der Unternehmung, (WHU-Otto Beisheim
School of Management, Vallendar, 19.-20.09.2019):
"Habit Formation and Wage Determination."
"Habit Formation and Wage Determination."
34. Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (Università
del Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italien, 12.-13.09.2019):
"The Impact of Trade Union Membership on Overtime in Germany."
"The Impact of Trade Union Membership on Overtime in Germany."
Singapore Economic Review Conference 2019 (Singapur, 05.-07.08.2019):
"Cost Uncertainty and the Welfare Effects of Market Power."
"Cost Uncertainty and the Welfare Effects of Market Power."
International Conference on Public Economic Theory, 2019 (PET 2019, Straßburg, Frankreich,
"Thorstein Veblen, Joan Robinson and George Stigler (probably) never met: Social Preferences, Monopsony, and Government Intervention."
"Thorstein Veblen, Joan Robinson and George Stigler (probably) never met: Social Preferences, Monopsony, and Government Intervention."
CESifo Area Conference on Employment and Social Protection (CESifo
Konferenzzentrum, München, 26.-27.04.2019):
"Thorstein Veblen, Joan Robinson and George Stigler (probably) never met: Social Preferences, Monopsony, and Government Intervention."
"Thorstein Veblen, Joan Robinson and George Stigler (probably) never met: Social Preferences, Monopsony, and Government Intervention."
European ESA Meeting 2019 (Universität Augsburg, Augsburg, 14.-15.03.2019):
"Habit Formation and Wage Determination."
"Habit Formation and Wage Determination."
Tagung des Bevölkerungsökonomischen Ausschusses des Vereins für Socialpolitik an
der Universität Würzburg (Würzburg, 14.-16.02.2019):
"Thorstein Veblen, Joan Robinson and George Stigler (probably) never met: Social Preferences, Monopsony, and Government Intervention."
"Thorstein Veblen, Joan Robinson and George Stigler (probably) never met: Social Preferences, Monopsony, and Government Intervention."
Forschungsseminar Universität Hamburg (Universität Hamburg, Hamburg,
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
Presentations by Coauthors
Academic seminar (Universität Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Vereinigtes Königreich,
"Does Rent Extraction affect Oligopoly Distortions? A Theoretical Assessment.", Vortrag durch: Alberto Palermo.
"Does Rent Extraction affect Oligopoly Distortions? A Theoretical Assessment.", Vortrag durch: Alberto Palermo.
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2019 Jahrestagung des Vereins für
Socialpolitik 2019:
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions.", Vortrag durch: Sven Hartmann.
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions.", Vortrag durch: Sven Hartmann.
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2019 (Universität Leipzig,
Leipzig, 22.-25.09.2019):
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership.", Vortrag durch: Gabriel Schultze.
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership.", Vortrag durch: Gabriel Schultze.
34. Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (Università
del Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italien, 12.-13.09.2019):
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions.", Vortrag durch: Sven Hartmann.
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions.", Vortrag durch: Sven Hartmann.
European ESA Meeting 2019 (Burgundy School of Business, Dijon, Frankreich,
"Cashless Payment Options on Face-to-Face Fundraising-Evidence from a Field Experiment.", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
"Cashless Payment Options on Face-to-Face Fundraising-Evidence from a Field Experiment.", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
SABE IAREP 2019, (Dublin City Universität, Dublin, Irland, 01.-04.09.2019):
"The Impact of Cashless Payment Options on Face-to-Face Fundraising-Evidence from a Field Experiment.", Vortrag durch: Konstantin Homolka
"The Impact of Cashless Payment Options on Face-to-Face Fundraising-Evidence from a Field Experiment.", Vortrag durch: Konstantin Homolka
33rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics
(Universität Bath, Vereinigtes Königreich, 20.-22.06.2019):
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership.", Vortrag durch: Gabriel Schultze.
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership.", Vortrag durch: Gabriel Schultze.
RES Symposium of Junior Researchers (Universität Warwick, Warwick,
Vereinigtes Königreich, 18.04.2019):
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership.", Vortrag durch: Gabriel Schultze.
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership.", Vortrag durch: Gabriel Schultze.
Workshop on Labour Economics (IAAEU, Trier, 12.-13.04.2019):
“The Impact of Cashless Payment Options on Face-to-Face Fundraising-Evidence from a Field Experiment.” (Poster Session), Vortrag durch: Konstantin Homolka.
“The Impact of Cashless Payment Options on Face-to-Face Fundraising-Evidence from a Field Experiment.” (Poster Session), Vortrag durch: Konstantin Homolka.
Workshop on Labour Economics (IAAEU, Trier, 12.-13.04.2019):
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership.", Vortrag durch: Gabriel Schultze.
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership.", Vortrag durch: Gabriel Schultze.
22. Colloquium on Personnel Economics (Universität Augsburg, Augsburg,
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership.", Vortrag durch: Gabriel Schultze.
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership.", Vortrag durch: Gabriel Schultze.
Vechta Workshop on Social Behavior (Universität Vechta, Vechta,
"Do cashless payment options deter individuals from giving money to the nonprofit sector." (Poster Session), Vortrag durch: Konstantin Homolka.
"Do cashless payment options deter individuals from giving money to the nonprofit sector." (Poster Session), Vortrag durch: Konstantin Homolka.
11. Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Workshop (IAB, Nürnberg, 17.-18.01.2019):
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership.", Vortrag durch: Gabriel Schultze.
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership.", Vortrag durch: Gabriel Schultze.
Conference Attendance
1st Crowdworking Symposium (Universität Bremen, Bremen, 04.-05.07.2019):
"Crowdsourcing as a New Form of Organizing Labor Relations."
"Crowdsourcing as a New Form of Organizing Labor Relations."
Amt für Stadtentwicklung und Statistik Trier (Stadt Trier, 11.04.2019):
"Fachkräftesituation in Trier und der Großregion – gemeinsame Herausforderungen, gemeinsame Lösungen?"
"Fachkräftesituation in Trier und der Großregion – gemeinsame Herausforderungen, gemeinsame Lösungen?"
Dr. Marco de Pinto
Presentations by Coauthors
Academic seminar (Universität Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Vereinigtes Königreich,
"Does Rent Extraction affect Oligopoly Distortions? A Theoretical Assessment.", Vortrag durch: Alberto Palermo.
"Does Rent Extraction affect Oligopoly Distortions? A Theoretical Assessment.", Vortrag durch: Alberto Palermo.
Singapore Economic Review Conference 2019 (Singapur, 05.-07.08.2019):
"Cost Uncertainty and the Welfare Effects of Market Power.", Vortrag durch: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke.
"Cost Uncertainty and the Welfare Effects of Market Power.", Vortrag durch: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke.
M. Sc. Jonas Feld
Conference Attendance with Presentations
95th Annual Conference Western Economic Association International (San
Francisco, USA, 29.06.-02.07.2019)
"Linguistic Proximity and Heterogeneity in Returns to Migrant Skills."
"Linguistic Proximity and Heterogeneity in Returns to Migrant Skills."
PSE Summer School - MIGRATION workshop (Paris School of Economics, Paris,
Frankreich, 24.-28.06.2019):
"Linguistic Proximity and Heterogeneity in Returns to Migrant Skills."
"Linguistic Proximity and Heterogeneity in Returns to Migrant Skills."
33rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics
(Bath, Vereinigtes Königreich, 20.-22.06.2019):
"Are Minimum Wages Affecting Immigration Rates? Evidence from EU Countries."
"Are Minimum Wages Affecting Immigration Rates? Evidence from EU Countries."
Young Economists' Meeting 2019 (Masaryk-Universität, Brünn, Tschechien,
"Are Minimum Wages Affecting Immigration Rates? Evidence from EU Countries."
"Are Minimum Wages Affecting Immigration Rates? Evidence from EU Countries."
ECSR Thematic Conference: "Migration, Social Stratification and Inequality"
(Universität Mailand, Italien, 14.-15.03.2019):
"Linguistic Proximity and Heterogeneity in Returns to Migrant Skills."
"Linguistic Proximity and Heterogeneity in Returns to Migrant Skills."
Conference Attendance
Fachkräftesituation in Trier und der Großregion – gemeinsame Herausforderungen, gemeinsame Lösungen?
(Amt für Stadtentwicklung und Statistik Trier, 11.04.2019).
(Amt für Stadtentwicklung und Statistik Trier, 11.04.2019).
M. Sc. Sven Hartmann
Conference Attendance with Presentations
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2019 (Universität Leipzig,
Leipzig, 22.-25.09.2019):
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions."
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions."
34. Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (Università
del Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italien, 12.-13.09.2019):
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions."
"Habit Formation and Trade Unions."
SABE IAREP 2019 (Dublin City University, Dublin, Irland,
"Television and Family-Stereotypes."
"Television and Family-Stereotypes."
Young Economists' Meeting 2019 (Masaryk-Universität, Brünn, Tschechien,
"Television and Family-Stereotypes."
"Television and Family-Stereotypes."
24. Annual Meeting of the Society of Labor Economists (Arlington, USA,
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
2019 Meeting of the European Public Choice Society (Hebräische Universität
Jerusalem, Israel, 01.-04.04.2019)
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
Presentations by Coauthors
Diginomics-Lunchtime (University of Bremen, Bremen, 23.10.2019):
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany.", lecture by: Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf.
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany.", lecture by: Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf.
CESifo Area Conference on Applied Microeconomics (CESifo Conference Centre,
München, 22.-23.03.2019)
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany.", Vortrag durch: Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Rieger.
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany.", Vortrag durch: Prof. Dr. Marc Oliver Rieger.
M. A. Konstantin Homolka
Conference Attendance with Presentations
Workshop on Digitalization in Economics and Management (Bildungscampus
Heilbronn, Heilbronn 27.-28.01.2020):
"When do I abstain from the lottery? How increased transparency of data processing changes the willingness to share personal data."
"When do I abstain from the lottery? How increased transparency of data processing changes the willingness to share personal data."
31st EALE Conference 2019 (Uppsala University, Uppsala, Schweden,
"Little Lies and Blind Eyes – Experimental Evidence on Cheating and Task Performance in Work Groups."
"Little Lies and Blind Eyes – Experimental Evidence on Cheating and Task Performance in Work Groups."
SABE IAREP 2019 (Dublin City University, Dublin, Irland,
"The Impact of Cashless Payment Options on Face-to-Face Fundraising-Evidence from a Field Experiment."
"The Impact of Cashless Payment Options on Face-to-Face Fundraising-Evidence from a Field Experiment."
Royal Economic Society Conference 2019 (University Warwick, Warwick,
Vereinigtes Königreich, 15.-17.04.2019):
“Little Lies and Blind Eyes – Experimental Evidence on Cheating and Task Performance in Work Groups.”
“Little Lies and Blind Eyes – Experimental Evidence on Cheating and Task Performance in Work Groups.”
Workshop on Labour Economics (IAAEU, Trier, 12.-13.04.2019):
“The Impact of Cashless Payment Options on Face-to-Face Fundraising-Evidence from a Field Experiment.” (Posterpräsentation).
“The Impact of Cashless Payment Options on Face-to-Face Fundraising-Evidence from a Field Experiment.” (Posterpräsentation).
Vechta Workshop on Social Behavior (Universität Vechta, Vechta,
"Do cashless payment options deter individuals from giving money to the nonprofit sector." (Posterpräsentation).
"Do cashless payment options deter individuals from giving money to the nonprofit sector." (Posterpräsentation).
Presentations by Coauthors
European ESA Meeting 2019 (Burgundy School of Business, Dijon, Frankreich,
"Cashless Payment Options on Face-to-Face Fundraising-Evidence from a Field Experiment" , Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
"Cashless Payment Options on Face-to-Face Fundraising-Evidence from a Field Experiment" , Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
Dr. Alberto Palermo
Conference Attendance with Presentations
Academic seminar (Universität Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Vereinigtes Königreich,
"Does Rent Extraction affect Oligopoly Distortions? A Theoretical Assessment."
"Does Rent Extraction affect Oligopoly Distortions? A Theoretical Assessment."
XXXI Annual Conference of the Italian Society of Public Economics
(Universität Turin, Turin, Italien, 19.-20.09.2019):
"On the Excessive Entry in Markets with Moral Hazard."
"On the Excessive Entry in Markets with Moral Hazard."
23rd Annual Conference of SIOE (Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm,
Schweden, 27.-29.06.2019):
"Why and when Family Firms are Doing the Right Thing when Hiring a Family Manager with Low Skills in Economic Tasks."
"Why and when Family Firms are Doing the Right Thing when Hiring a Family Manager with Low Skills in Economic Tasks."
British Accounting and Finance Association (Birmingham,
"Social Metacognition: A Correlational Device for Coordination."
"Social Metacognition: A Correlational Device for Coordination."
Presentations by Coauthors
4th International Conference on Sport Economics & Sport Management (Berlin,
"Multi-year Contracts and Workers’ Performance - Evidence from the National Hockey League.", Vortrag durch: Luca Fumarco.
"Multi-year Contracts and Workers’ Performance - Evidence from the National Hockey League.", Vortrag durch: Luca Fumarco.
Workshop on Labour Economics (Universität Trier, Trier,
"Multi-year Contracts and Workers’ Performance - Evidence from the National Hockey League", Vortrag durch: Luca Fumarco.
"Multi-year Contracts and Workers’ Performance - Evidence from the National Hockey League", Vortrag durch: Luca Fumarco.
M. Sc. Gabriel Schultze
Conference Attendance with Presentations
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik 2019 (Universität Leipzig,
Leipzig, 22.-25.09.2019):
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
33rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics
(Bath, Vereinigtes Königreich, 20.-22.06.2019):
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
RES Symposium of Junior Researchers (Warwick, Vereinigtes Königreich,
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
Workshop on Labour Economics (IAAEU, Trier, 12.-13.04.2019):
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
22. Colloquium on Personnel Economics (Augsburg, 14.-15.03.2019):
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
11. Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Workshop (IAB, Nürnberg, 17.-18.01.2019):
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
Presentations by Coauthors
34. Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (Università
del Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italien, 12.-13.09.2019):
"The Impact of Trade Union Membership on Overtime in Germany.", Vortrag durch: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke.
"The Impact of Trade Union Membership on Overtime in Germany.", Vortrag durch: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke.
Forschungsseminar Universität Hamburg (Hamburg, 28.01.2019):
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership.", Vortrag durch: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke.
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership.", Vortrag durch: Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke.
Dr. Joanna Tyrowicz
Conference Attendance with Presentations
Kastryčnicki Ekanamičny Forum (Minsk, Weißrussland, 30.10.-01.11.2019):
"Reconstruction of social protection."
"Reconstruction of social protection."
Bank of Lithuania annual conference (Vilnius, Litauen, 14.-15.10.2019)
"Labor market in the 21st century: the way forward."
"Labor market in the 21st century: the way forward."
EALE 2019 (Universität Uppsala, Uppsala, Schweden, 19.-21.09.2019):
"Gender diversity on boards."
"Gender diversity on boards."
RCEA Macro, Money and Finance (Balsillie School of International Affairs,
Waterloo, Ontario, Kanada, 13.-14.09.2019):
"Efficiency versus insurance: The role for capital income taxation in social security privatization."
"Efficiency versus insurance: The role for capital income taxation in social security privatization."
RCEA Macro, Money and Finance (Balsillie School of International Affairs,
Waterloo, Ontario, Kanada, 13.-14.09.2019):
"Stimulating old-age savings under incomplete rationality."
"Stimulating old-age savings under incomplete rationality."
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (Boston, USA,
"Gender diversity on management and supervisory boards."
"Gender diversity on management and supervisory boards."
8th Summer Workshop of Narodowy Bank Polski (Narodowy Bank Polski, Warschau,
Polen, 08.-12.07.2019):
"Corporate Income Taxation and Firm Efficiency."
"Corporate Income Taxation and Firm Efficiency."
Western Economic Association International (San Francisco, USA,
"Gender diversity on management and supervisory boards."
"Gender diversity on management and supervisory boards."
23rd Annual Conference of SIOE (Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm,
Schweden, 27.-29.06.2019):
"Women in power positions and institutions."
"Women in power positions and institutions."
LAGV 2019 (Aix-Marseille School of Economics, Marseille, Frankreich,
"Corporate Income Taxation and Firm Efficiency."
"Corporate Income Taxation and Firm Efficiency."
2nd Baltic Economic Conference (Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, Riga,
Lettland, 10.-11.06.2019):
"Efficiency versus insurance: The role for capital income taxation in social security privatization."
"Efficiency versus insurance: The role for capital income taxation in social security privatization."
IOS Annual Conference (Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropa,
Regensburg, 23.-25.05.2019):
"Misallocation and privatizing when firm value is unknown."
"Misallocation and privatizing when firm value is unknown."
Prague Workshop on Gender and Family in the Labor Market (Prag, Tschechien,
"Fertility, the pill, and the gender board diversity."
"Fertility, the pill, and the gender board diversity."
UHH: Labor Economics (Universität Hamburg, 08.04.2019):
"Migrants returns to human capital: Evidence from high skill migration from CEECs to the UK."
"Migrants returns to human capital: Evidence from high skill migration from CEECs to the UK."
European Public Choice Society Annual Meeting (Hebrew University of
Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel, 01.-04.04.2019):
"Corporate Income Taxation and Firm Efficiency: Evidence from a large panel of European firms."
"Corporate Income Taxation and Firm Efficiency: Evidence from a large panel of European firms."
SNDE 2019 (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Dallas, USA,
"Political (In)Stablity of Social Security."
"Political (In)Stablity of Social Security."
Theories and Methods in Macroeconomics (Nürnberg, 22.-23.03.2019):
"Efficiency versus insurance: The role for fiscal policy in social security privatization."
"Efficiency versus insurance: The role for fiscal policy in social security privatization."
ASSA Annual Meeting (Atlanta, USA, 04.-06.01.2019):
"All on Board? New Evidence on Board Gender Diversity from a Comprehensive Panel of Firms."
"All on Board? New Evidence on Board Gender Diversity from a Comprehensive Panel of Firms."
Presentations by Coauthors
Spanish Public Choice Workshop (Universität Navarra,
Pamplona, Spanien, 24.-25.10.2019):
"Stimulating savings when agents are not fully rational", Vortrag durch: Krzysztof Makarski.
"Stimulating savings when agents are not fully rational", Vortrag durch: Krzysztof Makarski.
RCEA Macro, Money and Finance (Balsillie School of International Affairs,
Waterloo, Ontario, Kanada, 13.-14.09.2019):
"The Role of Joint Leisure in Retirement Decisions.", Vortrag durch: Lucas van der Velde.
"The Role of Joint Leisure in Retirement Decisions.", Vortrag durch: Lucas van der Velde.
Western Economic Association International (San Francisco, USA,
"The Role of Joint Leisure in Retirement Decisions.", Vortrag durch: Lucas van der Velde.
"The Role of Joint Leisure in Retirement Decisions.", Vortrag durch: Lucas van der Velde.
95th Annual Conference Western Economic Association International (San
Francisco, USA, 29.06.-02.07.2019)
"Linguistic Proximity and Heterogeneity in Returns to Migrant Skills.", Vortrag durch: Jonas Feld.
"Linguistic Proximity and Heterogeneity in Returns to Migrant Skills.", Vortrag durch: Jonas Feld.
PSE Summer School - MIGRATION workshop (Paris School of Economics,
Frankreich, 24.-28.06.2019):
"Linguistic Proximity and Heterogeneity in Returns to Migrant Skills.", Vortrag durch: Jonas Feld.
"Linguistic Proximity and Heterogeneity in Returns to Migrant Skills.", Vortrag durch: Jonas Feld.
LAGV 2019 (Aix-Marseille School of Economics, Marseille, France,
"Political (In)Stability of Social Security.", Vortrag durch: Oliwia Komada.
"Political (In)Stability of Social Security.", Vortrag durch: Oliwia Komada.
17th International Conference on Pensions, Insurance and Savings
(Paris-Dauphine University, Paris, France, 27.-28.05.2019):
"Political instability of pension systems, in particular, when people are not (fully) rational.", Vortrag durch: Oliwia Komada.
"Political instability of pension systems, in particular, when people are not (fully) rational.", Vortrag durch: Oliwia Komada.
ECSR Thematic Conference: "Migration, Social Stratification and Inequality"
(Universität Mailand, Mailand, Italien, 14.-15.03.2019):
"Linguistic Proximity and Heterogeneity in Returns to Migrant Skills.", Vortrag durch: Jonas Feld.
"Linguistic Proximity and Heterogeneity in Returns to Migrant Skills.", Vortrag durch: Jonas Feld.
Seminarium w Poznaniu (Wirtschaftsuniversität Posen, Posen, Polen,
"Simulations of macroeconomic effects caused by changes in fertility and health status of ageing Polish population.", Vortrag durch: Paweł Strzelecki.
"Simulations of macroeconomic effects caused by changes in fertility and health status of ageing Polish population.", Vortrag durch: Paweł Strzelecki.
ASSA Annual Meeting (Atlanta, USA, 04.-06.01.2019):
"Evaluating effects of changing fertility.", Vortrag durch: Magda Malec.
"Evaluating effects of changing fertility.", Vortrag durch: Magda Malec.
Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
Conference Attendance with Presentations
5. Annual MaTax Conference (ZEW, Mannheim, 04.-05.10.2018):
"Corporate Social Responsibility and Tax Avoidance."
"Corporate Social Responsibility and Tax Avoidance."
33. Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (Marche Polytechnic
University, Ancona, Italien, 20.-21.09.2018):
"Thorstein Veblen, Joan Robinson and George Stigler (probably) never met: Social Preferences, Monopsony, and Government Intervention."
"Thorstein Veblen, Joan Robinson and George Stigler (probably) never met: Social Preferences, Monopsony, and Government Intervention."
30. EALE Annual Conference (Lyon, Frankreich, 13.-15.09.2018):
"Trade Unions and Corporate Social Responsibility."
"Trade Unions and Corporate Social Responsibility."
Workshop Angewandte Mikrotheorie (Universität Marburg, 29.-30.06.2018):
"Commuting and Collective Bargaining."
"Commuting and Collective Bargaining."
What enables a Market to Cross National Borders? (Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung,
Bielefeld, 07.-08.06.2018):
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
CESifo Area Conference on Employment and Social Protection (CESifo Konferenzzentrum, München,
"Trade Unions and Corporate Social Responsibility."
"Trade Unions and Corporate Social Responsibility."
Invited Talks
Vortrag im Universitätsseminar (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, 16.01.2018):
"Trade Unions and Corporate Social Responsibility."
"Trade Unions and Corporate Social Responsibility."
Presentations by Coauthors
Labour market workshop at the BCL (Luxemburg, 25.-26.10.2018):
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
XIX. Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse der Unternehmung (GEABA) (Goethe-Universität
Frankfurt, 20.-21.09.2018):
"Cost Uncertainty and the Welfare Effects of Market Power", presented by: Marco de Pinto.
"Cost Uncertainty and the Welfare Effects of Market Power", presented by: Marco de Pinto.
Herbstworkshop der WK Personal 2018 (Universität der Bundeswehr, München,
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
EARIE Annual Conference (Athens University of Economics and Business, Griechenland,
"Cost Uncertainty and the Welfare Effects of Market Power", presented by: Marco de Pinto.
"Cost Uncertainty and the Welfare Effects of Market Power", presented by: Marco de Pinto.
13. International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference (DIW, Berlin,
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
Workshop Angewandte Mikrotheorie (Universität Marburg, 29.-30.06.2018):
"Cost Uncertainty and the Welfare Implications of Market Power", presented by: Marco de Pinto.
"Cost Uncertainty and the Welfare Implications of Market Power", presented by: Marco de Pinto.
European Society for Population Economics (Universität Antwerpen, Belgien,
"Efficiency Wages in a Cournot Oligopoly", presented by: Marco de Pinto.
"Efficiency Wages in a Cournot Oligopoly", presented by: Marco de Pinto.
Dr. Marco de Pinto
Conference Attendance with Presentations
XIX. Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse der Unternehmung (GEABA) (Goethe-Universität
Frankfurt, 20.-21.09.2018):
"Cost Uncertainty and the Welfare Effects of Market Power."
"Cost Uncertainty and the Welfare Effects of Market Power."
EARIE Annual Conference (Athens University of Economics and Business, Griechenland,
"Cost Uncertainty and the Welfare Effects of Market Power."
"Cost Uncertainty and the Welfare Effects of Market Power."
Workshop Angewandte Mikrotheorie (Universität Marburg, 29.-30.06.2018):
"Cost Uncertainty and the Welfare Implications of Market Power."
"Cost Uncertainty and the Welfare Implications of Market Power."
European Society for Population Economics (Universität Antwerpen, Belgien,
"Efficiency Wages in a Cournot Oligopoly."
"Efficiency Wages in a Cournot Oligopoly."
Conference Attendance
Labour market workshop at the BCL
(Luxemburg, 25.-26.10.2018).
(Luxemburg, 25.-26.10.2018).
M. Sc. Jonas Feld
Conference Attendance with Presentations
Labour market workshop at the BCL (Luxemburg, 25.-26.10.2018):
"Minimum Wages and intra-EU Migration."
"Minimum Wages and intra-EU Migration."
International PhD Workshop on Migration and Integration (Hertie School of Governance, Berlin,
"Minimum Wages and Intra-EU Migration."
"Minimum Wages and Intra-EU Migration."
Course Participations
Workshop on "Introduction to R and Statistical Learning" von Anna Gotthard:
(Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, LISER, 14.-15.06.2018).
(Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, LISER, 14.-15.06.2018).
International Migration von Michel Beine:
(Université du Luxembourg, 28.03.2018-29.03.2018).
(Université du Luxembourg, 28.03.2018-29.03.2018).
Advanced Econometrics – Nonlinear Models and Methods von Gautam Tripathi:
(Université du Luxembourg, 05.03.2018-19.03.2018).
(Université du Luxembourg, 05.03.2018-19.03.2018).
BGPE course "Advanced Econometrics" von Jeffrey M. Wooldridge:
(Muggendorf, 25.02.2018-02.03.2018).
(Muggendorf, 25.02.2018-02.03.2018).
Conference Attendance
Der großregionale Arbeitsmarkt im Wandel
(Amt für Stadtentwicklung und Statistik Trier, 15.11.2018).
(Amt für Stadtentwicklung und Statistik Trier, 15.11.2018).
4. International Conference on Demographics, Immigration, and the Labor Market
(Bundesagentur für Arbeit, IAB, Nürnberg, 06.-07.04.2018).
(Bundesagentur für Arbeit, IAB, Nürnberg, 06.-07.04.2018).
M. Sc. Sven Hartmann
Conference Attendance with Presentations
20. INFER Annual Conference (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, 05.-07.09.2018):
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg,
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
33. Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (Universität Köln,
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
21. Applied Economics Meeting (University of Alcalá, Spanien, 07.-08.06.2018):
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
"Can Television Reduce Xenophobia? The Case of East Germany."
M. A. Konstantin Homolka
Conference Attendance with Presentations
AKempor 2018 (Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, Österreich, 22.-23.11.2018):
"Team Size and Task Performance."
"Team Size and Task Performance."
Workshop on team dynamics and peer effects 2018 (IAAEU Trier, 09.-10.11.2018):
"Others' Attractiveness, Task Performance and Gender."
"Others' Attractiveness, Task Performance and Gender."
The 13th Nordic Conference on Behavioural and Experimental Economics (University of Southern
Denmark, Odense, 28.-29.09.2018):
"Little Lies and Blind Eyes – Experimental Evidence on Cheating and Task Performance in Work Groups."
"Little Lies and Blind Eyes – Experimental Evidence on Cheating and Task Performance in Work Groups."
Herbstworkshop der WK Personal 2018 (Universität der Bundeswehr, München,
"Little Lies and Blind Eyes – Experimental Evidence on Cheating and Task Performance in Work Groups."
"Little Lies and Blind Eyes – Experimental Evidence on Cheating and Task Performance in Work Groups."
Presentations by Coauthors
Workshop on team dynamics and peer effects 2018 (IAAEU Trier, 09.-10.11.2018):
"Team Size and Task Performance", presented by: Adrian Chadi.
"Team Size and Task Performance", presented by: Adrian Chadi.
Seminarpräsentation (Reichenau, 06.03.2018):
"Little Lies and Blind Eyes – Experimental Evidence on Cheating and Task Performance in Work Groups", presented by: Adrian Chadi.
"Little Lies and Blind Eyes – Experimental Evidence on Cheating and Task Performance in Work Groups", presented by: Adrian Chadi.
Dr. Alberto Palermo
Conference Attendance with Presentations
30. EALE Annual Conference (Lyon, Frankreich, 13.-15.09.2018):
"Incentive Contracts and Manager Choice in Family Firms: A Multitask Model with Economic and Non-Economic Tasks."
"Incentive Contracts and Manager Choice in Family Firms: A Multitask Model with Economic and Non-Economic Tasks."
Jahreskonferenz des Verein für Socialpolitik (Universität Freiburg, 02.-05.09.2018):
"Incentive Contracts and Manager Choice in Family Firms: A Multitask Model with Economic and Non-Economic Tasks."
"Incentive Contracts and Manager Choice in Family Firms: A Multitask Model with Economic and Non-Economic Tasks."
EARIE Annual Conference (Athens University of Economics and Business, Griechenland,
"Incentive Contracts and Manager Choice in Family Firms: A Multitask Model with Economic and Non-Economic Tasks."
"Incentive Contracts and Manager Choice in Family Firms: A Multitask Model with Economic and Non-Economic Tasks."
Workshop Angewandte Mikrotheorie (Universität Marburg, 29.-30.06.2018):
"Adverse Selection, Heterogeneous Beliefs, and Evolutionary Learning."
"Adverse Selection, Heterogeneous Beliefs, and Evolutionary Learning."
Presentations by Coauthors
22. Annual Conference of the SOIE (HEC Montreal, Kanada, 21.-23.06.2018):
"Misallocation and Privatizing When Firm Value is Unknown: An Agency Model and Application to the Case of Poland", presented by: Joanna Tyrowicz.
"Misallocation and Privatizing When Firm Value is Unknown: An Agency Model and Application to the Case of Poland", presented by: Joanna Tyrowicz.
M. Sc. Gabriel Schultze
Conference Attendance with Presentations
Labour market workshop at the BCL (Luxemburg, 25.-26.10.2018):
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
Herbstworkshop der WK Personal 2018 (Universität der Bundeswehr, München,
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership".
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership".
13. International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference (DIW, Berlin,
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership."
Presentations by Coauthors
What enables a Market to Cross National Borders? (Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung,
Bielefeld, 07.-08.06.2018):
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
"Overtime and Trade Union Membership", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
Dr. Joanna Tyrowicz
Conference Attendance with Presentations
IOS Regensburg (Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropa, Regensburg, 25.10.2018):"When the opportunity knocks: Large structural shocks and the gender wage gap."
European Association for Law & Economics Annual Meeting (University of Milano-Bicocca,
Mailand, Italien, 20.-22.09.2018):
"Corporate Income Taxation and Firm Efficiency: Evidence from a large panel of European firms."
"Corporate Income Taxation and Firm Efficiency: Evidence from a large panel of European firms."
ICEF Conference on Applied Economics (NRU - HSE Moscow, Moskau, Russland, 15.09.2018):
"Migrants returns to human capital: Evidence from high skill migration from CEECs to the UK."
"Migrants returns to human capital: Evidence from high skill migration from CEECs to the UK."
30. EALE Annual Conference (Lyon, Frankreich, 13.-15.09.2018):
"When the Opportunity Knocks: Large Structural Shocks and Gender Wage Gap."
"When the Opportunity Knocks: Large Structural Shocks and Gender Wage Gap."
30. EALE Annual Conference (Lyon, Frankreich, 13.-15.09.2018):
"Getting Things Right: Optimal Tax Policy With Labour Market Duality."
"Getting Things Right: Optimal Tax Policy With Labour Market Duality."
European Association for Comparative Economic Studies Conference (Warschau, Polen,
"When the Opportunity Knocks: Large Structural Shocks and Gender Wage Gap."
"When the Opportunity Knocks: Large Structural Shocks and Gender Wage Gap."
EEA-ESEM 2018 Congress (Universität Köln, Köln, 27.-31.08.2018):
"Efficiency Versus Insurance: The Role for Fiscal Policy in Social Security Privatization."
"Efficiency Versus Insurance: The Role for Fiscal Policy in Social Security Privatization."
IAFEP 2018 Conference (Universität Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slowenien, 11.-13.07.2018):
"Unionization and dispersion of earned income."
"Unionization and dispersion of earned income."
Kongres Statystyki 2018 (Warschau, Polen, 10.-12.07.2018):
"Wage Inequality and Structural Change."
"Wage Inequality and Structural Change."
Western Economic Association International (Vancouver, Kanada, 26.-30.06.2018):
"Ethnic Competition or Complementarity: Which Drives (Returs to) Immigrant Self-employment?"
"Ethnic Competition or Complementarity: Which Drives (Returs to) Immigrant Self-employment?"
Western Economic Association International (Vancouver, Kanada, 26.-30.06.2018):
"Migration and Language Gender Marking."
"Migration and Language Gender Marking."
Leibniz Institute 2018 Annual Conference (Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropa,
Regensburg, 21.-23.06.2018):
"Evaluating Welfare and Economic Effects of Raised Fertility."
"Evaluating Welfare and Economic Effects of Raised Fertility."
22. Annual Conference of the SOIE (HEC Montreal, Montreal, Kanada, 21.-23.06.2018):
"Misallocation and Privatizing When Firm Value is Unknown: An Agency Model and Application to the Case of Poland."
"Misallocation and Privatizing When Firm Value is Unknown: An Agency Model and Application to the Case of Poland."
Leibniz Institute 2018 Annual Conference (Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropa
Regensburg, Regensburg, 1.-23.06.2018):
"Evaluating Welfare and Economic Effects of Raised Fertility."
"Evaluating Welfare and Economic Effects of Raised Fertility."
27. IAFFE Annual Conference (New Paltz, USA, 19.-21.06.2018):
"Migration and Language Gender Marking."
"Migration and Language Gender Marking."
SCORUS 2018 (Warschau, Polen, 06.-09.06.2018):
"How to Make a Country Look Equal."
"How to Make a Country Look Equal."
Workshop on Entrepreneurship (Warschau, Polen, 10.-11.05.2018):
"Pushed into necessity?"
"Pushed into necessity?"
The Pension Conference 2018 (Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Polen, 19.-20.04.2018):
"Welfare Effects of Fiscal Policy in Reforming the Pension System."
"Welfare Effects of Fiscal Policy in Reforming the Pension System."
Joint Research Centre Conference (Ispra, Italien, 15.-16.03.2018):
"Evaluating Welfare and Economic Effects of Raised Fertility."
"Evaluating Welfare and Economic Effects of Raised Fertility."
Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association 2018 (Philadelphia, USA,
"Welfare Effects of Fiscal Policy in Reforming the Pension System."
"Welfare Effects of Fiscal Policy in Reforming the Pension System."
Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association 2018 (Philadelphia, USA,
"Estimating Gender Wage Gap in the Presence of Efficiency Wages."
"Estimating Gender Wage Gap in the Presence of Efficiency Wages."
Presentations by Coauthors
Pathways to Gender Equality (American University, Washington D.C., USA, 02.-03.11.2018):
"All on board? New Evidence on board gender diversity from a large panel of firms.", presented by: Siri Terjesen.
"All on board? New Evidence on board gender diversity from a large panel of firms.", presented by: Siri Terjesen.
Warsaw International Economic Meeting (Universität Warschau, Warschau, Polen,
"When the Opportunity Knocks: Large Structural Shocks and Gender Wage Gap.", presented by: Lucas van der Velde.
"When the Opportunity Knocks: Large Structural Shocks and Gender Wage Gap.", presented by: Lucas van der Velde.
European Society for Population Economics (Universität Antwerpen, Antwerpen, Belgien,
"Evaluating Welfare and Economic Effects of Raised Fertility.", presented by: Magda Malec.
"Evaluating Welfare and Economic Effects of Raised Fertility.", presented by: Magda Malec.
SSES Annual Congress 2018 (Universität St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Schweiz, 14.-15.06.2018):
"Efficiency versus insurance: The role for fiscal policy in social security privatization.", presented by: Magda Malec und Oliwia Komada.
"Efficiency versus insurance: The role for fiscal policy in social security privatization.", presented by: Magda Malec und Oliwia Komada.
7th NBP Summer Workshop (Narodowy Bank Polski, Warschau, Polen, 11.-15.06.2018):
"Political (in)stability of pension system reform.", presented by: Krzyszof Makarski.
"Political (in)stability of pension system reform.", presented by: Krzyszof Makarski.
O dzietności w Krakowie (Cracow University of Economics, Krakau, Polen, 28.05.2018):
"Political (In)Stability of Social Security Reform.", presented by: Magda Malec.
"Political (In)Stability of Social Security Reform.", presented by: Magda Malec.
O emeryturach w Krakowie (Cracow University of Economics, Warschau, Polen, 21.05.2018):
"Political (In)Stability of Social Security Reform.", presented by: Oliwia Komada.
"Political (In)Stability of Social Security Reform.", presented by: Oliwia Komada.
WSE internal seminar (Warsaw School of Economics, Warschau, Polen, 20.03.2018):
"How (Not) to Make Women Work?", presented by: Lucas van der Velde.
"How (Not) to Make Women Work?", presented by: Lucas van der Velde.
Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
Conference Attendance with Presentations
10. Norwegian-German Seminar on Public Sector Economics (CESifo Konferenzzentrum, München,
"Corporate Social Responsibility and Tax Avoidance."
"Corporate Social Responsibility and Tax Avoidance."
IZA Workshop on Health and Labor Market (Bonn, 03.-04.11.2017):
"Commuting and Sickness Absence."
"Commuting and Sickness Absence."
Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik (University of Vienna, Austria,
"Social Comparisons in Oligopsony."
"Social Comparisons in Oligopsony."
CESifo Area Conference on Employment and Social Protection (CESifo Konferenzzentrum, Munich,
"Welfare-enhancing Trade Unions in an Oligopoly with Excessive Entry."
"Welfare-enhancing Trade Unions in an Oligopoly with Excessive Entry."
Workshop "Angewandte Mikrotheorie" (Universität Marburg, 25.-26.05.2017):
"Corporate Social Responsibility and Tax Avoidance."
"Corporate Social Responsibility and Tax Avoidance."
18. Annual Meeting of the Association for Public Economic Theory (Université Paris II
Panthéon Assas, France, 10.-13.07.2017):
"Corporate Social Responsibility and Tax Avoidance."
"Corporate Social Responsibility and Tax Avoidance."
18. Annual Meeting of the Association for Public Economic Theory (Université Paris II
Panthéon Assas, France, 10.-13.07.2017):
"Social Comparisons in Oligopsony."
"Social Comparisons in Oligopsony."
Presentations by Coauthors
29. Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists (St. Gallen,
Switzerland, 21.-23.09.2017):
"Social Comparisons in Oligopsony", presented by: Michael Neugart.
"Social Comparisons in Oligopsony", presented by: Michael Neugart.
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf
Conference Attendance with Presentations
Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik (Universität Vienna, Austria,
"Disentangling Crowdfunding from Crowdfunding."
"Disentangling Crowdfunding from Crowdfunding."
32. Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (University of Lisbon, Portugal,
"The Impact of Two Different Economic Systems on Dishonesty and Charitable Giving: Determinants of Group-Level Variation."
"The Impact of Two Different Economic Systems on Dishonesty and Charitable Giving: Determinants of Group-Level Variation."
32. Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (University of Lisbon, Portugal,
"Disentangling Crowdfunding from Crowdfunding."
"Disentangling Crowdfunding from Crowdfunding."
World Finance Conference (Cagliari University, Sardinia, Italy, 26.07.2017):
"The Economic Impact of Forming a Societas Europe."
"The Economic Impact of Forming a Societas Europe."
World Finance Conference (Cagliari University, Sardinia, Italy, 27.07.2017):
“Market Standards in Financial Contracting: The Euro’s Effect on Choice of Law in European Debt Securities.”
“Market Standards in Financial Contracting: The Euro’s Effect on Choice of Law in European Debt Securities.”
World Finance Conference (Cagliari University, Sardinia, Italy, 28.07.2017):
"Does a Local Bias Exist in Equity Crowdfunding?”
"Does a Local Bias Exist in Equity Crowdfunding?”
2. Entrepreneurial Finance Conference (Vlerick Business School, Ghent, Belgium,
"Marketplace lending of SMEs."
"Marketplace lending of SMEs."
5. Workshop "Household Finance and Consumption" (Banque Centrale du Luxembourg, Luxembourg,
"Does a Local Bias Exist in Equity Crowdfunding?"
"Does a Local Bias Exist in Equity Crowdfunding?"
4. Economic Analysis of Litigation Workshop (University of Paris Nanterre, France,
"Do Judges Hate Speculators?"
"Do Judges Hate Speculators?"
VHB-Jahrestagung 2017 (St. Gallen University, Switzerland, 08.06.2017):
"The Economic Impact of Forming a European Company."
"The Economic Impact of Forming a European Company."
VHB-Jahrestagung 2017 (St. Gallen University, Switzerland, 08.06.2017):
"The Emergence of the Global Fintech Market: Economic and Technological Determinants."
"The Emergence of the Global Fintech Market: Economic and Technological Determinants."
Munich Summer Institute 2017 (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Munich, 30.05.2017):
"Disentangling Crowdfunding from Crowdfunding." (Poster Session)
"Disentangling Crowdfunding from Crowdfunding." (Poster Session)
Annual Meeting of the American Law and Economics Association (Yale University, New Haven,
USA, 12.05.2017):
"The Economic Impact of Forming a Societas Europaea."
"The Economic Impact of Forming a Societas Europaea."
Royal Economic Society Conference 2017 (University of Bristol, United Kingdom,
"The Impact of Two Different Economic Systems on Dishonesty and Charitable Giving: Determinants of Group-Level Variation."
"The Impact of Two Different Economic Systems on Dishonesty and Charitable Giving: Determinants of Group-Level Variation."
Invited Talks
RWS Forum PSD II (Cologne, 29.09.2017):
Podiumsdiskussion: "Die neue Zahlungsdiensterichtlinie."
Podiumsdiskussion: "Die neue Zahlungsdiensterichtlinie."
15. Meeting of the Central Banks and Monetary Authorities of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation
(OIC) Member Countries (Mugla, Turkey, 21.09.2017):
"Fostering Stable and Inclusive Financial Systems."
"Fostering Stable and Inclusive Financial Systems."
7. Alvara Innovationstage (Leipzig, 18.09.2017):
Keynote Speech: "Quo vadis FinTechs – Die Revolution im Zahlungsverkehr? Ergebnisse der BMF-Studie zum deutschen FinTech-Markt."
Keynote Speech: "Quo vadis FinTechs – Die Revolution im Zahlungsverkehr? Ergebnisse der BMF-Studie zum deutschen FinTech-Markt."
Workshop on Economic Growth, Innovation, and Finance (Skema Business School in Sophia
Antipolice, France, 15.06.2017):
"Does a Local Bias Exist in Equity Crowdfunding?"
"Does a Local Bias Exist in Equity Crowdfunding?"
Business Law Workshop (Oxford University, United Kingdom, 19.05.2017):
"The Economic Impact of Forming a European Company."
"The Economic Impact of Forming a European Company."
FinMeetsTech (Frankfurt am Main, 26.04.2017):
"Der deutsche FinTech-Markt."
"Der deutsche FinTech-Markt."
G20 Conference: Digitising finance, financial inclusion and financial literacy, "Crowdfunding -
potential benefits and risks"
(German Central Bank and Federal Ministry of Finance Germany, Schloss Biebrich, Wiesbaden, 26.01.2017).
(German Central Bank and Federal Ministry of Finance Germany, Schloss Biebrich, Wiesbaden, 26.01.2017).
Presentations by Coauthors
2. Entrepreneurial Finance Conference (Vlerick Business School, Ghent, Belgien, 06.07.2017):
"Dynamics of Investor Communication in Equity Crowdfunding", presented by: Martina Weber.
"Dynamics of Investor Communication in Equity Crowdfunding", presented by: Martina Weber.
Darden & Cambridge Judge Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference (Batten Institute and the
Entrepreneurship Centre at Cambridge Judge Business School, Cambridge, UK, 20.06.2017):
"Does a local bias exist in equity crowdfunding?", presented by: Matthias Schmitt.
"Does a local bias exist in equity crowdfunding?", presented by: Matthias Schmitt.
Darden & Cambridge Judge Entrepreneurship and Innovation Conference (Batten Institute and the
Entrepreneurship Centre at Cambridge Judge Business School, Cambridge, UK, 20.06.2017):
"Dynamics of Investor Communication in Equity Crowdfunding", presented by: Martina Weber.
"Dynamics of Investor Communication in Equity Crowdfunding", presented by: Martina Weber.
DRUID Conference 2017 (NYU Stern School of Business, New York, USA, 12.06.2017):
"Does a local bias exist in equity crowdfunding?", presented by: Matthias Schmitt.
"Does a local bias exist in equity crowdfunding?", presented by: Matthias Schmitt.
Crowdfunding Workshop (EM Lyon Business School, Research Centre for Entrepreneurial Finance,
Lyon, France, 31.05.2017):
"Disentangling Crowdfunding from Crowdfunding", presented by: Denis Schweizer.
"Disentangling Crowdfunding from Crowdfunding", presented by: Denis Schweizer.
34. International Conference of the French Finance Association (Grenoble IAE, Graduate School
of Management, Valence, France, 31.05.2017):
"The Emergence of the Global Fintech Market: Economic and Technological Determinants", presented by: Christian Haddad.
"The Emergence of the Global Fintech Market: Economic and Technological Determinants", presented by: Christian Haddad.
27. Annual Meeting of the American Law and Economics Association (Yale University, New Haven,
USA, 13.05.2017):
"Does a Local Bias Exist in Equity Crowdfunding?", presented by: Matthias Schmitt.
"Does a Local Bias Exist in Equity Crowdfunding?", presented by: Matthias Schmitt.
27. Annual Meeting of the American Law and Economics Association (Yale University, New Haven,
USA, 12.05.2017):
"The Emergence of the Global Fintech Market: Economic and Technological Determinants", presented by: Christian Haddad.
"The Emergence of the Global Fintech Market: Economic and Technological Determinants", presented by: Christian Haddad.
Royal Economic Society Conference 2017 (University of Bristol, United Kingdom,
"Does a Local Bias Exist in Equity Crowdfunding?", presented by: Matthias Schmitt.
"Does a Local Bias Exist in Equity Crowdfunding?", presented by: Matthias Schmitt.
22. Spring Meeting of Young Economists 2017 (Halle Institute for Economic Research, Halle,
"The Impact of two Different Economic Systems on Dishonesty and Charitable Giving: Determinants of Group-Level Variation", presented by: Katrin Goedker.
"The Impact of two Different Economic Systems on Dishonesty and Charitable Giving: Determinants of Group-Level Variation", presented by: Katrin Goedker.
Risk Forum 2017: Retail Finance and Insurance (The Institut Louis Bachelier, Paris, France,
"The Emergence of the Global FinTech Market: Economic and Technological Determinants", presented by: Christian Haddad.
"The Emergence of the Global FinTech Market: Economic and Technological Determinants", presented by: Christian Haddad.
Conference Attendance
SEC-NYU Dialogue on Securities Markets Regulation - Topic: Securities Crowdfunding in the
(Securities and Exchange Commission Headquarters, Washington D.C., USA, 28.02.2017).
(Securities and Exchange Commission Headquarters, Washington D.C., USA, 28.02.2017).
(LMU Munich, Munich, 20.01.2017).
(LMU Munich, Munich, 20.01.2017).
Research Residence
Georgetown University (01.-31.03.2017):
Visiting Researcher.
Visiting Researcher.
Center of Finance, Universität Regensburg (since 01.02.1017):
Research Fellow.
Research Fellow.
Max-Planck Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb (since 01.04.2016):
Affiliated Research Fellow.
Affiliated Research Fellow.
Dr. Adrian Chadi
Conference Attendance with Presentations
LISER-LAB Inaugural Workshop (Belval, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxemburg, 15.09.2017):
"Should We Ban Smartphones from the Workplace to Increase Productivity? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment."
"Should We Ban Smartphones from the Workplace to Increase Productivity? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment."
European Meeting of the Economic Science Association (Vienna, Austria, 06.-09.09.2017):
"Little Lies and Blind Eyes – Experimental Evidence on the Implications of Cheating for Team Performance."
"Little Lies and Blind Eyes – Experimental Evidence on the Implications of Cheating for Team Performance."
5. IZA Workshop on Labor Economics: Environment and Labor Markets (IZA Bonn,
"There Is No Place Like Work - Evidence on Health and Labor Market Behavior from Changing Weather Conditions."
"There Is No Place Like Work - Evidence on Health and Labor Market Behavior from Changing Weather Conditions."
Tiber Symposium on Psychology and Economics (Tilburg Institute for Behavioral Economics
Research, Tilburg, Netherlands, 25.08.2017):
"Little Lies and Blind Eyes – Experimental Evidence on the Implications of Cheating for Team Performance."
"Little Lies and Blind Eyes – Experimental Evidence on the Implications of Cheating for Team Performance."
79. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für BWL (St. Gallen,
Switzerland, 07.-09.06.2017):
"When the Meaning of Work Has Disappeared: Experimental Evidence on Employees’ Performance and Emotion"
"When the Meaning of Work Has Disappeared: Experimental Evidence on Employees’ Performance and Emotion"
Workshop on Microeconomics (Leuphana University, Institute for Economics, Lüneburg,
"Forced to Be Generous – Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory."
"Forced to Be Generous – Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory."
Symposium on Alienation and Meaning in Production and Consumption (Technical University
Munich, Munich, 12.-13.01.2017):
"Task meaning and work motivation."
"Task meaning and work motivation."
Invited Talks
Research Seminar Labour Economics (University of Hamburg, Hamburg, 18.05.2017):
"Lies at work – On the implications of cheating for team outcomes."
"Lies at work – On the implications of cheating for team outcomes."
Research Seminar in Economics (Ifo Institute, Munich, 2017):
"TV Consumption and Happiness Evidence from a Natural Experiment on the German Public."
"TV Consumption and Happiness Evidence from a Natural Experiment on the German Public."
Presentations by Coauthors
ZEW/IAB Workshop on Human Resource Management (IAB Nuremberg, 16.-17.11.2017):
"Lies at Work – On the Implications of Cheating for Team Outcomes", presented by: Konstantin Homolka (Poster Session).
"Lies at Work – On the Implications of Cheating for Team Outcomes", presented by: Konstantin Homolka (Poster Session).
Conference on Education, Skills and the Economic Challenges of the Future (IAW, Tübingen,
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
29. Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists (University of St.
Gallen, Switzerland, 21.-23.09.2017):
"Forced to Be Generous – Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory", presented by: Mario Mechtel.
"Forced to Be Generous – Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory", presented by: Mario Mechtel.
32. Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (Universität Lissabon, Portugal,
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions," presented by : Gabriel Schultze.
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions," presented by : Gabriel Schultze.
31. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (University of
Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, 14.-17.06.2017):
"Income or Leisure? On the Hidden Benefits of (Un-)Employment", Lectury by: Clemens Hetschko.
"Income or Leisure? On the Hidden Benefits of (Un-)Employment", Lectury by: Clemens Hetschko.
Royal Economic Society Conference 2017 (University of Bristol, United Kingdom,
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
3. Annual Symposium for Agricultural and Applied Economics Research (SAAER) (College Station,
Texas, USA, 07.04.2017):
"Does TV Consumption Impair People's Health and their Well-being? Evidence from a Natural Experiment on the German Public", presented by: Manuel Hoffmann.
"Does TV Consumption Impair People's Health and their Well-being? Evidence from a Natural Experiment on the German Public", presented by: Manuel Hoffmann.
20. Colloquium on Personnel Economics (University of Zurich, Switzerland,
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
Dr. Marco de Pinto
Conference Attendance with Presentations
Workshop "Angewandte Mikrotheorie" (Marburg University, 25.-26.05.2017):
"Unionization and Firm-selection – the Role of Firm-specific Bargaining Power."
"Unionization and Firm-selection – the Role of Firm-specific Bargaining Power."
Royal Economic Society Conference 2017 (University of Bristol, United Kingdom,
"The Impact of Unionization Costs when Firm-selection matters."
"The Impact of Unionization Costs when Firm-selection matters."
Invited Talks
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Forschungskolloquium (Gießen, 29.11.2017):
"The Impact of Unionization Costs when Firm-selection Matters."
"The Impact of Unionization Costs when Firm-selection Matters."
Presentations by Coauthors
Conference on Education, Skills and the Economic Challenges of the Future (IAW, Tübingen,
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
32. Annual Congress of the European Economic Association
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
CESifo Area Conference on Employment and Social Protection (CESifo Konferenzzentrum, Munich,
"Welfare-enhancing Trade Unions in an Oligopoly with Excessive Entry", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
"Welfare-enhancing Trade Unions in an Oligopoly with Excessive Entry", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
Royal Economic Society Conference 2017 (University of Bristol, United Kingdom,
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
20. Colloquium on Personnel Economics (University of Zurich, Switzerland,
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", presented by: Gabriel Schultze.
M. Sc. Sven Hartmann
Course Participations
SOEPcampus@RUB 2017 (Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, 04.-05.05.2017):
Lecturer: Paul Schmelzer, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
Lecturer: Paul Schmelzer, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.
M. A. Konstantin Homolka
Conference Attendance with Presentations
ZEW/IAB Workshop on Human Resource Management (IAB Nuremberg, 16.-17.11.2017):
"Lies at Work – On the Implications of Cheating for Team Outcomes" (Poster Session).
"Lies at Work – On the Implications of Cheating for Team Outcomes" (Poster Session).
Presentations by Coauthors
European Meeting of the Economic Science Association (Vienna, Austria, 06.-09.09.2017):
"Little Lies and Blind Eyes – Experimental Evidence on the Implications of Cheating for Team Performance", presented by: Adrian Chadi.
"Little Lies and Blind Eyes – Experimental Evidence on the Implications of Cheating for Team Performance", presented by: Adrian Chadi.
Tiber Symposium on Psychology and Economics (Tilburg Institute for Behavioral Economics
Research, Tilburg, 25.08.2017):
"Little Lies and Blind Eyes – Experimental Evidence on the Implications of Cheating for Team Performance", presented by: Adrian Chadi.
"Little Lies and Blind Eyes – Experimental Evidence on the Implications of Cheating for Team Performance", presented by: Adrian Chadi.
Dr. Olga Lorenz
Conference Attendance with Presentations
20. Colloquium on Personnel Economics (University of Zurich, Switzerland,
Presentations by Coauthors
IZA Workshop on Health and Labor Market (Bonn, 03.-04.11.2017):
"Commuting and Sickness Absence", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
"Commuting and Sickness Absence", presented by: Laszlo Goerke.
M. Sc. Gabriel Schultze
Conference Attendance with Presentations
Conference on Education, Skills and the Economic Challenges of the Future (IAW, Tübingen,
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions."
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions."
32. Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (Universität Lisbon, Portugal,
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions."
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions."
Royal Economic Society Conference 2017 (University of Bristol, United Kingdom,
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions."
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions."
20. Colloquium on Personnel Economics (University of Zurich, Switzerland,
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions."
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions."
Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
CESifo Area Conference on Behavioural Economics (CESifo Conference Center, Munich,
"Social Comparisons in Oligopsony."
"Social Comparisons in Oligopsony."
31. Conference of the Italian Association of Labour Economists (University of Trento, Italy,
"Social Comparisons in Oligopsony."
"Social Comparisons in Oligopsony."
28. Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) 2016 (Ghent University,
Belgium, 15.-18.09.2016):
"Sick Pay Reforms and Health Status in a Unionised Labour Market." (Poster Presentation)
"Sick Pay Reforms and Health Status in a Unionised Labour Market." (Poster Presentation)
28. Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) 2016 (Ghent University,
Belgium, 15.-18.09.2016):
"Welfare-enhancing Trade Unions in an Oligopoly with Excessive Entry."
"Welfare-enhancing Trade Unions in an Oligopoly with Excessive Entry."
30. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Harnack House, Berlin,
"Commuting and Sickness Absence."
"Commuting and Sickness Absence."
Workshop "Angewandte Mikrotheorie" (University Marburg, 26.-27.05.2016):
"Sick Pay Reforms and Health Status in a Unionised Labour Market."
"Sick Pay Reforms and Health Status in a Unionised Labour Market."
CESifo Area Conference on Employment and Social Protection (CESifo Conference Center, Munich,
"Commuting and Sickness Absence."
"Commuting and Sickness Absence."
Invited Talks
VWL Forschungsseminar (University Bamberg, 03.05.2016):
"Sick Pay Reforms and Health Status in a Unionised Labour Market."
"Sick Pay Reforms and Health Status in a Unionised Labour Market."
Volkswirtschaftliches Kolloquium (Darmstadt University, 27.01.2016):
"Tax Evasion in a Cournot Oligopoly with Endogenous Entry."
"Tax Evasion in a Cournot Oligopoly with Endogenous Entry."
Coauthorship of Lectures
Jahrestagung 2016 des Verein für Socialpolitik (Augsburg University, 04.-07.09.2016):
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
12. International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference (Social Science Research
Center, Berlin, 22.-23.06.2016):
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
Workshop "Angewandte Mikrotheorie" (University Marburg, 26.-27.05.2016):
"Social Comparison in Oligopsony", Lecture by: Michael Neugart.
"Social Comparison in Oligopsony", Lecture by: Michael Neugart.
Spring Meeting of Young Economists 2016 (University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal,
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
Spring Meeting of Young Economists 2016 (University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal,
"Welfare-enhancing Trade Unions in an Oligopoly with Excessive Entry", Lecture by: Marco de Pinto.
"Welfare-enhancing Trade Unions in an Oligopoly with Excessive Entry", Lecture by: Marco de Pinto.
Annual Conference of the Royal Economic Society (University of Sussex, Brighton, England,
"Welfare-enhancing Trade Unions in an Oligopoly with Excessive Entry", Lecture by: Marco de Pinto.
"Welfare-enhancing Trade Unions in an Oligopoly with Excessive Entry", Lecture by: Marco de Pinto.
19. Colloquium on Personnel Economics (RWTH University Aachen, 10.-11.03.2016):
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
Workshop on Microeconomics (Leuphana University Luneburg, 03.-04.03.2016):
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
Workshop on Subjective Survey Data in Labour Market Research (IAAEU, Trier,
"(True) Legacy of Two Really Existing Economic Systems."
"(True) Legacy of Two Really Existing Economic Systems."
Munich Summer Institute 2016 (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 21.06.2016):
"Pricing the Value of Cash Flow Rights in Crowdinvesting: An Analysis of Innovestment Backers."
"Pricing the Value of Cash Flow Rights in Crowdinvesting: An Analysis of Innovestment Backers."
3. International ZEW Conference on the Dynamics of Entrepreneurship (Zentrum für Europäische
Wirtschaftsforschung, 06.06.2016):
"Portal Design and Funding Dynamics in Crowdinvesting."
"Portal Design and Funding Dynamics in Crowdinvesting."
Conference on Past and Future of Corporate Governance: Practices, Reforms and Regulations
(Roma Tre University, Italy, 26.05.2016):
"The Economic Impact of Forming a Societas Europaea."
"The Economic Impact of Forming a Societas Europaea."
What does Co-determination do? What can we learn from research? (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin
für Sozialforschung, 12.05.2016):
"The Economic Impact of Forming a Societas Europaea."
"The Economic Impact of Forming a Societas Europaea."
8. Economic Workshop (IAAEU, Trier, 19.02.2016):
"The (True) Legacy of Two Really Existing Economic Systems."
"The (True) Legacy of Two Really Existing Economic Systems."
Workshop on the Autonomy at Work and Employee Involvement (IAB Nuremburg, 18.02.2016):
"Leadership and Persistency in Spontaneuous Dishonesty."
"Leadership and Persistency in Spontaneuous Dishonesty."
Invited Talks
Goethe/Penn Conference on Law and Finance (Goethe-University Frankfurt, 17.12.2016):
"Should Securities Regulation Promote Equity Crowdfunding?"
"Should Securities Regulation Promote Equity Crowdfunding?"
Hub Conference (Berlin, 22.11.2016):
"FinTech-Markt in Deutschland."
"FinTech-Markt in Deutschland."
Digital Finance Berlin Konferenz - Offene Banking Plattform (Berlin School of Digital
Business, 06.10.2016):
"Chancen für Banken durch Co-Creation mit Fintechs."
"Chancen für Banken durch Co-Creation mit Fintechs."
11. Internationale Konferenz zu Finanzdienstleistungen, Podiumsdiskussion (Institut für
Finanzdienstleistungen Hamburg, 02.06.2016):
"FinTech - Bit Coins and friends, the digital revolution in financial services- Sind Banken die Verlierer?"
"FinTech - Bit Coins and friends, the digital revolution in financial services- Sind Banken die Verlierer?"
Diskussionsforum KMU - Chancen für grüne Wirtschaft (Wissenschaftspark Gelsenkirchen,
"Finanzierung für Gründungen und Start-Ups."
"Finanzierung für Gründungen und Start-Ups."
Coauthorship of Lectures
4. Crowdinvesting Symposium (Munich, 04.11.2016):
"Does a Local Bias Exist in Equity Crowdfunding? The Impact of Investor Types and Portal Design", Lecture by: Matthias Schmitt.
"Does a Local Bias Exist in Equity Crowdfunding? The Impact of Investor Types and Portal Design", Lecture by: Matthias Schmitt.
4. Crowdinvesting Symposium (Munich, 04.11.2016):
"Which Updates During an Equity Crowdfunding Campaign Increase Crowd Participation?", Lecture by: Alexandra Moritz.
"Which Updates During an Equity Crowdfunding Campaign Increase Crowd Participation?", Lecture by: Alexandra Moritz.
4. Crowdinvesting Symposium (Munich, 04.11.2016):
"Financial Contracting in Crowdinvesting: Lessons from the German Market", Lecture by: Tobias Schilling.
"Financial Contracting in Crowdinvesting: Lessons from the German Market", Lecture by: Tobias Schilling.
20. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand
(G-Forum) (Leipzig, 06.10.2016):
"Which Updates During an Equity Crowdfunding Campaign Increase Crowd Participation?", Lecture by: Alexandra Moritz.
"Which Updates During an Equity Crowdfunding Campaign Increase Crowd Participation?", Lecture by: Alexandra Moritz.
3. ZEW Conference on the Dynamics of Entrepreneurship (ZEW Mannheim, 07.06.2016):
"Is There a Local Bias in Crowdinvesting? The Impact of Investor Types and Portal Design", Lecture by: Matthias Schmitt.
"Is There a Local Bias in Crowdinvesting? The Impact of Investor Types and Portal Design", Lecture by: Matthias Schmitt.
ENTFIN Conference 2016 (Lyon, France, 31.05.2016):
"Portal Design and Funding Dynamics in Crowdinvesting", Lecture by: Armin Schwienbacher.
"Portal Design and Funding Dynamics in Crowdinvesting", Lecture by: Armin Schwienbacher.
CMR-Concordia-Schulich Conference on Entrepreneurship, the Internet, and Fraud: Managerial and Policy
Implications (Montreal, Canada, 27.05.2016):
"The Emergence of Crowdinvesting in Europe: With an In-Depth Analysis of the German Market", Lecture by: Armin Schwienbacher.
"The Emergence of Crowdinvesting in Europe: With an In-Depth Analysis of the German Market", Lecture by: Armin Schwienbacher.
Research Residences
Center for Economic Studies (04.10.-21.10.2016):
Visiting Researcher.
Visiting Researcher.
Georgetown University (01.09.-31.09.2016):
Visiting Researcher.
Visiting Researcher.
Max-Planck Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb (seit 01.04.2016):
Affiliated Research Fellow.
Affiliated Research Fellow.
Dr. Adrian Chadi
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
Workshop on Subjective Survey Data in Labour Market Research (IAAEU, Trier,
"Seeking Shelter? Perceived Job Insecurity and Union Membership" (Poster Presentation).
"Seeking Shelter? Perceived Job Insecurity and Union Membership" (Poster Presentation).
Workshop on Subjective Survey Data in Labour Market Research (IAAEU, Trier,
"How to Identify Attrition Bias Using Different Types of Panel Refreshments."
"How to Identify Attrition Bias Using Different Types of Panel Refreshments."
Herbstworkshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommision Personalwesen (Verband der Hochschullehrer
für Betriebswirtschaft, Paderborn, 21.-23.09.2016):
"Seeking Shelter? Perceived Job Insecurity and Union Membership."
"Seeking Shelter? Perceived Job Insecurity and Union Membership."
28. Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) 2016 (Ghent
University, Belgium, 15.-18.09.2016):
"Seeking Shelter? Perceived Job Insecurity and Union Membership."
"Seeking Shelter? Perceived Job Insecurity and Union Membership."
31. Congress of the European Economic Association (EEA) (Geneva School of Economics and
Management, Schweiz, 22.-26.08.2016):
"How Job Changes Affect People's Lives?"
"How Job Changes Affect People's Lives?"
Foundations of Utility and Risk Conference (FUR) (Warwick Manufacturing Group, University of
Warwick, Coventry, England, 27.-30.06.2016):
"Does TV Consumption Impair People’s Health and their Well-Being?"
"Does TV Consumption Impair People’s Health and their Well-Being?"
30. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE) (Harnack House,
Berlin, 15.-18.06.2016):
"Should We Ban Smartphones from the Workplace to Increase Productivity?"
"Should We Ban Smartphones from the Workplace to Increase Productivity?"
21. Annual Meeting Society of Labor Economists (SOLE) (Seattle, Washington, USA,
"Should We Ban Smartphones from the Workplace to Increase Productivity?"
"Should We Ban Smartphones from the Workplace to Increase Productivity?"
3. International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences (Università Guido
Carli, Rom, Italy, 14.-16.04.2016):
"Forced to Be Generous - Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory."
"Forced to Be Generous - Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory."
NIBS Conference 2016 (University of East Anglia, Norwich, England, 04.-06.04.2016):
"The Survey as a Burden – How Interview Length Affects the Measurement of Subjective Well-being."
"The Survey as a Burden – How Interview Length Affects the Measurement of Subjective Well-being."
Spring Meeting of Young Economists 2016 (University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal,
"Does TV Consumption Impair People’s Health and their Well-being? Evidence from a Natural Experiment on the German Public."
"Does TV Consumption Impair People’s Health and their Well-being? Evidence from a Natural Experiment on the German Public."
HEIRS (University of Rom, Italy, 15.03.2016):
"How Job Changes Affect People's Lives – Evidence from Subjective Well-being Data."
"How Job Changes Affect People's Lives – Evidence from Subjective Well-being Data."
19. Colloquium on Personnel Economics (RWTH University Aachen, 10.-11.03.2016):
"Forced to Be Generous ? Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory."
"Forced to Be Generous ? Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory."
Workshop on Microeconomics (Leuphana University Luneburg, 03.-04.03.2016):
"Does TV Consumption Affect Health and Well-being? Evidence from a Natural Experiment on the German Public."
"Does TV Consumption Affect Health and Well-being? Evidence from a Natural Experiment on the German Public."
3. Experimental Methods in Policy Conference (Ixtapa, Mexiko, 24.-28.02.2016):
"Should We Ban Smartphones from the Workplace to Increase Productivity? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment.”
"Should We Ban Smartphones from the Workplace to Increase Productivity? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment.”
8. Economic Workshop (IAAEU, Trier, 19.02.2016):
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? How Ability and Labor Market Prospects Affect Student Behavior."
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? How Ability and Labor Market Prospects Affect Student Behavior."
Economics, Health and Happiness (Campus SUPSI Trevano, Lugano, Schweiz, 14.-16.01.2016):
"Interview Burden and the Measurement of Subjective Well-being."
"Interview Burden and the Measurement of Subjective Well-being."
Economics, Health and Happiness (Campus SUPSI Trevano, Lugano, Schweiz, 14.-16.01.2016):
"Does TV Consumption Impair People’s Health and their Well-being? Evidence from a Natural Experiment on the German Public."
"Does TV Consumption Impair People’s Health and their Well-being? Evidence from a Natural Experiment on the German Public."
Invited Talks
Research Seminar in Economics (RWTH Aachen University Bamberg, 19.07.2016):
"Does TV Consumption Affect Health and Well-being? Evidence from a Natural Experiment on the German Public."
"Does TV Consumption Affect Health and Well-being? Evidence from a Natural Experiment on the German Public."
Coauthorship of Lectures
Research Seminar "Labour Economics" (University Hamburg, Hamburg Institute of International
Economics und Helmut-Schmidt-University, 07.11.2016):
"Forced to Be Generous - Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory", Lecture by: Mario Mechtel.
"Forced to Be Generous - Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory", Lecture by: Mario Mechtel.
Workshop on Subjective Survey Data in Labour Market Research (IAAEU, Trier,
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", Poster von: Gabriel Schultze.
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", Poster von: Gabriel Schultze.
Jamboree - Doctoral School in Economics and Finance (University of Luxembourg,
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", Lecture by: Gabriel Schultze.
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", Lecture by: Gabriel Schultze.
Workshop on Subjective Survey Data in Labour Market Research (IAAEU, Trier,
"The Role of Income and Leisure in Labor Supply Decisions", Lecture by: Clemens Hetschko.
"The Role of Income and Leisure in Labor Supply Decisions", Lecture by: Clemens Hetschko.
Jahrestagung 2016 des Verein für Socialpolitik (Augsburg University, 04.-07.09.2016):
"Should We Ban Smartphones from the Workplace to Increase Productivity? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment", Lecture by: Mario Mechtel.
"Should We Ban Smartphones from the Workplace to Increase Productivity? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment", Lecture by: Mario Mechtel.
1. NEPS User Conference (LIfBi Bamberg, 07.-08.07.2016):
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", Lecture by: Gabriel Schultze.
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", Lecture by: Gabriel Schultze.
VWL-Forschungskolloquium (Leuphana University Luneburg, 01.06.2016):
"Forced to Be Generous - Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory", Lecture by: Mario Mechtel.
"Forced to Be Generous - Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory", Lecture by: Mario Mechtel.
3. International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences (Università Guido
Carli, Rom, Italy, 14.-16.04.2016):
"Should We Ban Smartphones from the Workplace to Increase Productivity? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment", Lecture by: Mario Mechtel.
"Should We Ban Smartphones from the Workplace to Increase Productivity? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment", Lecture by: Mario Mechtel.
Spring Meeting of Young Economists 2016 (University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal,
"Forced to Be Generous - Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory", Lecture by: Mario Mechtel.
"Forced to Be Generous - Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory", Lecture by: Mario Mechtel.
Annual Conference of the Royal Economic Society (University of Sussex, Brigthon, England,
"How Job Changes Affect People's Lives – Evidence from Subjective Well-being Data", Lecture by: Clemens Hetschko.
"How Job Changes Affect People's Lives – Evidence from Subjective Well-being Data", Lecture by: Clemens Hetschko.
19. Colloquium on Personnel Economics (RWTH University Aachen, 10.-11.03.2016):
"Should We Ban Smartphones from the Workplace to Increase Productivity? – Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment", Lecture by: Mario Mechtel.
"Should We Ban Smartphones from the Workplace to Increase Productivity? – Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment", Lecture by: Mario Mechtel.
Workshop on Microeconomics (Leuphana University Luneburg, 03.-04.03.2016):
"How Job Changes Affect People's Lives – Evidence from Subjective Well-being Data", Lecture by: Clemens Hetschko.
"How Job Changes Affect People's Lives – Evidence from Subjective Well-being Data", Lecture by: Clemens Hetschko.
Workshop on Microeconomics (Leuphana University Luneburg, 03.-04.03.2016):
"Should We Ban Smartphones from the Workplace to Increase Productivity? – Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment", Lecture by: Mario Mechtel.
"Should We Ban Smartphones from the Workplace to Increase Productivity? – Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment", Lecture by: Mario Mechtel.
Dr. Marco de Pinto
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
Workshop on International Trade and Labour Markets (IAAEU Trier, 25.-26.11.2016):
"Trade Unions in an Open Economy – The Case of Firm-specific Bargaining Power."
"Trade Unions in an Open Economy – The Case of Firm-specific Bargaining Power."
18. Jahreskonferenz der European Trade Study Group (Aalto University Helsinki, Finland,
"Trade Unions in an Open Economy – The Case of Firm-specific Bargaining Power."
"Trade Unions in an Open Economy – The Case of Firm-specific Bargaining Power."
43. EARIE Annual Conference (Nova School of Business and Economics, Lissabon, Portugal,
"The Impact of Organization Costs when Firm-selection Matters."
"The Impact of Organization Costs when Firm-selection Matters."
Workshop "Angewandte Mikrotheorie" (26.-27.05.2016, University Marburg):
"Allocation (In-)Efficiency in a Two-Sector-Melitz-Model."
"Allocation (In-)Efficiency in a Two-Sector-Melitz-Model."
Spring Meeting of Young Economists 2016 (University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal,
"Welfare-enhancing Trade Unions in an Oligopoly with Excessive Entry."
"Welfare-enhancing Trade Unions in an Oligopoly with Excessive Entry."
Annual Conference of the Royal Economic Society (University of Sussex, Brighton, England,
"Welfare-enhancing Trade Unions in an Oligopoly with Excessive Entry."
"Welfare-enhancing Trade Unions in an Oligopoly with Excessive Entry."
Coauthorship of Lectures
Jamboree - Doctoral School in Economics and Finance (University of Luxembourg,
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", Lecture by: Gabriel Schultze.
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", Lecture by: Gabriel Schultze.
28. EALE Conference (Ghent University, Belgium, 15.-17.09.2016):
"Welfare-enhancing Trade Unions in an Oligopoly with Excessive Entry", Lecture by: Laszlo Goerke.
"Welfare-enhancing Trade Unions in an Oligopoly with Excessive Entry", Lecture by: Laszlo Goerke.
Jahrestagung 2016 des Verein für Socialpolitik (Augsburg University, 04.-07.09.2016):
"The Impact of Organization Costs when Firm-selection Matters", Lecture by: Jörg Lingens.
"The Impact of Organization Costs when Firm-selection Matters", Lecture by: Jörg Lingens.
31. Congress of the European Economic Association (EEA) (Geneva School of Economics and
Management, Schweiz, 22.-26.08.2016):
"The Impact of Organization Costs when Firm-selection Matters", Lecture by: Jörg Lingens.
"The Impact of Organization Costs when Firm-selection Matters", Lecture by: Jörg Lingens.
1. NEPS User Conference (LIfBi Bamberg, 07.-08.07.2016):
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", Lecture by: Gabriel Schultze.
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions", Lecture by: Gabriel Schultze.
8. Economic Workshop (IAAEU Trier, 19.02.2016):
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? How Ability and Labor Market Prospects Affect Student Behavior", Lecture by: Adrian Chadi.
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? How Ability and Labor Market Prospects Affect Student Behavior", Lecture by: Adrian Chadi.
M. A. Konstantin Homolka
Conferences Attended
Workshop on Subjective Survey Data in Labour Market Research (IAAEU, Trier, 07.-08.10.2016).
Workshop on International Trade and Labour Markets (IAAEU, Trier, 25.-26.11.2016).
Jahrestagung 2016 des Verein für Socialpolitik (Augsburg University, 04.-07.09.2016).
Conferences Attended
Startup Course for STATA Users (Luxemburg, 19.-21. und 26.-27.09.2016):
Lecturer: Majlinda Joxhe, Doctoral School in Finance and Economics, University of Luxembourg.
Lecturer: Majlinda Joxhe, Doctoral School in Finance and Economics, University of Luxembourg.
Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics (BGPE-course Advanced Microeconomics, Parsberg,
Lecturer: Zvika Neeman, Eitan Berglas School of Economics, University of Tel Aviv.
Lecturer: Zvika Neeman, Eitan Berglas School of Economics, University of Tel Aviv.
Dr. Sabrina Jeworrek
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
American Economic Association Annual Meeting 2016 (San Francisco, USA, 03.-05.01.2016):
"Do Agents Care for the Mission of their Job? A Field Experiment."
"Do Agents Care for the Mission of their Job? A Field Experiment."
M. Sc. Olga Lorenz
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
Labour Economics Meeting (IAAEU, Trier, 08.12.2016):
"Does Commuting Matter to Subjective Well-Being?"
"Does Commuting Matter to Subjective Well-Being?"
Workshop on Subjective Survey Data in Labour Market Research (IAAEU, Trier,
"Does Commuting Matter to Subjective Well-Being?"
"Does Commuting Matter to Subjective Well-Being?"
Jahrestagung 2016 des Verein für Socialpolitik (Augsburg University, 04.-07.09.2016):
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight."
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight."
12. International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference (Social Science Research
Center, Berlin, 22.-23.06.2016):
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight."
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight."
Spring Meeting of Young Economists 2016 (University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal,
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight."
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight."
19. Colloquium on Personnel Economics (RWTH University Aachen, 10.-11.03.2016):
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight."
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight."
Workshop on Microeconomics (Leuphana University Luneburg, 03.-04.03.2016):
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight."
"’Is your Commute Really Making you Fat?’: The Causal Effect of Commuting Distance on Height-Adjusted Weight."
Coauthorship of Lectures
30. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Harnack House,
Berlin, 15.-18.06.2016):
"Commuting and Sickness Absence", Lecture by: Laszlo Goerke.
"Commuting and Sickness Absence", Lecture by: Laszlo Goerke.
CESifo Area Conference on Employment and Social Protection (CESifo Conference Center, Munich,
"Commuting and Sickness Absence", Lecture by: Laszlo Goerke.
"Commuting and Sickness Absence", Lecture by: Laszlo Goerke.
Conferences Attended
Workshop on International Trade and Labour Markets(IAAEU, Trier, 25.-26.11.2016).
8. Economic Workshop (IAAEU, Trier, 19.02.2016).
M. Sc. Gabriel Schultze
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
Workshop on Subjective Survey Data in Labour Market Research (IAAEU Trier,
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions" (Poster Presentation).
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions" (Poster Presentation).
Jamboree - Doctoral School in Economics and Finance (University of Luxembourg,
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions."
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions."
1. NEPS User Conference (LIfBi Bamberg, 07.-08.07.2016):
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions."
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? The Role of Ability and Labor Market Prospects in Student Effort Decisions."
Conferences Attended
Jahrestagung 2016 des Verein für Socialpolitik (Augsburg University, 04.-07.09.2016):
Coauthorship of Lectures
8. Economic Workshop (IAAEU Trier, 19.02.2016):
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? How Ability and Labor Market Prospects Affect Student Behavior", Lecture by: Adrian Chadi.
"Young, Gifted and Lazy? How Ability and Labor Market Prospects Affect Student Behavior", Lecture by: Adrian Chadi.
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
16. Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse der Unternehmung (Hamburg School of Business
Administration, 24.09.2015)
"Missing at Work - Sickness related Absence and Subsequent Job Mobility."
"Missing at Work - Sickness related Absence and Subsequent Job Mobility."
Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik 2015 (Muenster University,
"Missing at Work - Sickness related Absence and Subsequent Job Mobility."
"Missing at Work - Sickness related Absence and Subsequent Job Mobility."
CESifo Area Conference on Employment and Social Protection (Munich, 15.-16.05.2015):
"Missing at Work - Sickness related Absence and Subsequent Job Mobility."
"Missing at Work - Sickness related Absence and Subsequent Job Mobility."
Verein für Socialpolitik – Ausschuss für Bevölkerungsökonomik (Federal Employment Agency
Nürnberg, 05.-07.02.2015):
"Paid Vacation Use: The Role of Works Council."
"Paid Vacation Use: The Role of Works Council."
Coauthorship of Lectures
IAB/ZEW Workshop "Assessing the Impact of Human Resource Management Practices" (ZEW Mannheim,
"Commuting and Sickness Absence", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
"Commuting and Sickness Absence", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
Lüneburg Workshop in Economics, Health and Labor Markets (Leuphana University Lüneburg,
"Commuting and Sickness Absence", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
"Commuting and Sickness Absence", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik 2015 (Muenster University,
"Commuting and Sickness Absence", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
"Commuting and Sickness Absence", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
Spring Meeting of Young Economists 2015
(Ghent University, 21.–23.05.2015): "Commuting and Sickness Absence", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
(Ghent University, 21.–23.05.2015): "Commuting and Sickness Absence", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
18. Colloquium on Personnel Economics (Vienna University of Economics and Business,
"Commuting and Sickness Absence", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
"Commuting and Sickness Absence", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
7. Economic Workshop (IAAEU Trier, 20.–21.02.2015):
"Commuting and Sickness Absence", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
"Commuting and Sickness Absence", Lecture by: Olga Lorenz.
Invited Talks
Marburg Centre for Institutional Economics, Research Seminar (03.12.2015):
"Tax Evasion in a Cournot Oligopoly with Endogenous Entry."
"Tax Evasion in a Cournot Oligopoly with Endogenous Entry."
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lars Hornuf
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
EBS Research Colloquium (European Business School, Wiesbaden, 23.11.2015):
"Understanding Investor Behavior in Crowdinvesting."
"Understanding Investor Behavior in Crowdinvesting."
3. Crowdinvesting Symposium (LMU Munich, 23.10.2015):
"Pricing the Value of Cash Flow Rights in Crowdinvesting: An Analysis of Innovestment Backers."
"Pricing the Value of Cash Flow Rights in Crowdinvesting: An Analysis of Innovestment Backers."
Workshop on Experimental Labour and Personnel Economics (IAAEU Trier, 16.10.2015):
"Leadership and Persistency in Spontaneous Dishonesty."
"Leadership and Persistency in Spontaneous Dishonesty."
Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik 2015 (Muenster University, 07.09.2015):
"Funding Dynamics in Crowdinvesting."
"Funding Dynamics in Crowdinvesting."
Annual Meeting of the European Finance Association (Vienna University of Economics and
Business, 21.08.2015):
"Market Standards in Financial Contracting: The Euro’s Effect on Choice of Law in European Debt Securities."
"Market Standards in Financial Contracting: The Euro’s Effect on Choice of Law in European Debt Securities."
European Financial Management Association Annual Meeting (Nyenrode Business University,
Amsterdam, 25.07.2015):
"Funding Dynamics in Crowdinvesting."
"Funding Dynamics in Crowdinvesting."
Finance Technology Transaction, Podiumsdiskussion (Munich, 23.07.2015):
"Crowdinvesting - Regulatorisches und VC-Kompatibilität."
"Crowdinvesting - Regulatorisches und VC-Kompatibilität."
Workshop on the Economics of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Trier University,
"Funding Dynamics in Crowdinvesting."
"Funding Dynamics in Crowdinvesting."
Annual Meeting of the European Financial Management Association (Nyenrode Business
University, Amsterdam, 25.06.2015):
"Funding Dynamics in Crowdinvesting."
"Funding Dynamics in Crowdinvesting."
Reflections in the Aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis (University of Oslo,
"Fraud in Financial Markets: Insights from Law & Economics and Behavioral Science, Finance, Ethics and Society."
"Fraud in Financial Markets: Insights from Law & Economics and Behavioral Science, Finance, Ethics and Society."
Workshop on the Economics of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Trier University,
"Should Securities Regulation Promote Crowdinvesting?"
"Should Securities Regulation Promote Crowdinvesting?"
Annual Meeting of the American Law and Economics Association (Columbia Law School,
"The (True) Legacy of Two Really Existing Economic Systems."
"The (True) Legacy of Two Really Existing Economic Systems."
Law and Economics Forum (London School of Economics and Political Science, 25.02.2015):
"Investment Behavior in Crowdinvesting."
"Investment Behavior in Crowdinvesting."
7. Economic Workshop (IAAEU Trier, 20.02.2015):
"Investment Behavior in Crowdinvesting."
"Investment Behavior in Crowdinvesting."
Center for Advanced Studies: Moderation (LMU Munich, 29.01.2015):
"Moral Psychology, Jurisprudence, and Human Rights."
"Moral Psychology, Jurisprudence, and Human Rights."
Coauthorship of Lectures
3. Crowdinvesting Symposium (LMU Munich, 23.10.2015):
"Is There a Local Bias in Crowdinvesting?", Lecture by: Matthias Schmitt.
"Is There a Local Bias in Crowdinvesting?", Lecture by: Matthias Schmitt.
3. Crowdinvesting Symposium (LMU Munich, 23.10.2015):
"The Decision Making Process of Small Private Investors: How Effective is Signaling?", Lecture by: Mark Bärthel.
"The Decision Making Process of Small Private Investors: How Effective is Signaling?", Lecture by: Mark Bärthel.
G-Forum (Kassel University, 08.10.2015):
"Is There a Local Bias in Crowdinvesting?", Lecture by: Matthias Schmitt.
"Is There a Local Bias in Crowdinvesting?", Lecture by: Matthias Schmitt.
G-Forum (Kassel University, 08.10.2015):
"The Decision Making Process of Small Private Investors: How Effective is Signaling?",Lecture by: Mark Bärthel.
"The Decision Making Process of Small Private Investors: How Effective is Signaling?",Lecture by: Mark Bärthel.
Workshop on the Economics of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Trier University,
"Does Geographic Proximity Matter in Crowdinvesting?", Lecture by: Matthias Schmitt.
"Does Geographic Proximity Matter in Crowdinvesting?", Lecture by: Matthias Schmitt.
Workshop on the Economics of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Trier University,
"The Decision Making Process of Small Private Investors: How Effective is Signaling?", Lecture by: Mark Bärthel.
"The Decision Making Process of Small Private Investors: How Effective is Signaling?", Lecture by: Mark Bärthel.
IfM Crowdfunding Konferenz (Institut für Mittelstandsforschung, Bonn, 15.04.2015):
"Does Geographic Proximity Matter in Crowdinvesting?", Lecture by: Matthias Schmitt.
"Does Geographic Proximity Matter in Crowdinvesting?", Lecture by: Matthias Schmitt.
IfM Crowdfunding Konferenz (Institut für Mittelstandsforschung, Bonn, 15.04.2015):
"The Decision Making Process of Small Private Investors: How Effective is Signaling?", Lecture by: Mark Bärthel.
"The Decision Making Process of Small Private Investors: How Effective is Signaling?", Lecture by: Mark Bärthel.
7. Economic Workshop (IAAEU Trier, 21.02.2015):
"Does Geographic Proximity Matter in Crowdinvesting?", Lecture by: Matthias Schmitt.
"Does Geographic Proximity Matter in Crowdinvesting?", Lecture by: Matthias Schmitt.
7. Economic Workshop (IAAEU Trier, 21.02.2015):
The Decision Making Process of Small Private Investors: How Effective is Signaling?", Lecture by: Mark Bärthel.
The Decision Making Process of Small Private Investors: How Effective is Signaling?", Lecture by: Mark Bärthel.
Conferences Attended
3. Annual Crowdfunding Symposium (University of California, Berkeley, 17.9.-18.9.2015).
A New EU Financial Markets Architecture (Munich, 02.-03.07.2015).
Invited Talks
Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb (01.10.2015):
"Funding Dynamics in Crowdinvesting."
"Funding Dynamics in Crowdinvesting."
Concordia University, John Molson School of Business (11.09.2015):
"Funding Dynamics in Crowdinvesting."
"Funding Dynamics in Crowdinvesting."
London School of Economics and Political Science, Law and Economics Forum (25.02.2015):
"Investment Behavior in Crowdinvesting."
"Investment Behavior in Crowdinvesting."
Research Residence
Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb (24.9.-16.10.2015):
Visiting Professor.
Visiting Professor.
Dr. Adrian Chadi
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
IAB/ZEW Workshop "Assessing the Impact of Human Resource Management Practices" (ZEW Mannheim,
"Forced to Be Generous - Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory."
"Forced to Be Generous - Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory."
Workshop on Experimental Labour and Personnel Economics (Trier University, 16.10.2015):
"Smartphone Ban, Trust, and Workplace Productivity - Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment."
"Smartphone Ban, Trust, and Workplace Productivity - Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment."
10. Nordic Conference on Behavioral and Experimental Economics (University of Tampere,
"Smartphone Ban, Trust, and Workplace Productivity – Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment."
"Smartphone Ban, Trust, and Workplace Productivity – Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment."
Workshop in Economics on Health and Labor Markets (Leuphana Universität Lüneburg,
"Missing at Work - Sickness related Absence and Subsequent Job Mobility."
"Missing at Work - Sickness related Absence and Subsequent Job Mobility."
2015 European Meeting of the Economic Science Association (Heidelberg University,
"Forced to Be Generous - Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory."
"Forced to Be Generous - Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory."
14. Tiber Symposium on Psychology and Economics (Tilburg University, 27.08.2015):
"Forced to Be Generous - Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory."
"Forced to Be Generous - Experimental Evidence on the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wages outside the Laboratory."
29. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Izmir University of
Economics, 17.-20.06.2015):
"How Job Changes Affect People's Lives – Evidence from Subjective Well-being Data."
"How Job Changes Affect People's Lives – Evidence from Subjective Well-being Data."
14. Conference in Public Economics (Journées Louis-André Gerard-Varet, Aix-en-Provence,
"How Job Changes Affect People's Lives – Evidence from Subjective Well-being Data."
"How Job Changes Affect People's Lives – Evidence from Subjective Well-being Data."
Annual Conference of the European Public Choice Society (University College Groningen,
"Concerns about the Euro and Happiness in Germany during Times of Crisis."
"Concerns about the Euro and Happiness in Germany during Times of Crisis."
18. Colloquium on Personnel Economics (Vienna University of Economics and Business,
"Missing at Work - Sickness related Absence and Subsequent Job Mobility."
"Missing at Work - Sickness related Absence and Subsequent Job Mobility."
7. Economic Workshop (IAAEU Trier, 20.-21.02.2015):
"Interview Burden and the Measurement of Subjective Well-being."
"Interview Burden and the Measurement of Subjective Well-being."
Coauthorship of Lectures
IAB/ZEW Workshop "Assessing the Impact of Human Resource Management Practices" (ZEW Mannheim,
"Smartphone Ban, Trust, and Workplace Productivity - Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment", Lecture by: Mario Mechtel.
"Smartphone Ban, Trust, and Workplace Productivity - Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment", Lecture by: Mario Mechtel.
16. Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse der Unternehmung (Hamburg School of Business
Administration, 24.09.2015):
"Missing at Work - Sickness related Absence and Subsequent Job Mobility", Lecture by: Laszlo Goerke.
"Missing at Work - Sickness related Absence and Subsequent Job Mobility", Lecture by: Laszlo Goerke.
Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik 2015 (Muenster University,
"The Protestant Fiscal Ethic: Euro Concerns and Subjective Wellbeing in Germany", Lecture by: Matthias Krapf.
"The Protestant Fiscal Ethic: Euro Concerns and Subjective Wellbeing in Germany", Lecture by: Matthias Krapf.
Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik 2015 (Muenster University,
"Missing at Work - Sickness-related Absence and Subsequent Job Mobility", Lecture by: Laszlo Goerke.
"Missing at Work - Sickness-related Absence and Subsequent Job Mobility", Lecture by: Laszlo Goerke.
2015 European Meeting of the Economic Science Association (Heidelberg University,
"Smartphone Ban, Trust, and Workplace Productivity - Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment", Lecture by: Mario Mechtel.
"Smartphone Ban, Trust, and Workplace Productivity - Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment", Lecture by: Mario Mechtel.
14. Journées Louis-André Gerard-Varet – Conference in Public Economics (Aix-en-Provence,
"The Protestant Fiscal Ethic: Religious Confession and Euro Skepticism in Germany", Lecture by: Matthias Krapf.
"The Protestant Fiscal Ethic: Religious Confession and Euro Skepticism in Germany", Lecture by: Matthias Krapf.
CESifo Area Conference on Employment and Social Protection (Munich, 15.-16.05.2015):
"Missing at Work - Sickness related Absence and Subsequent Job Mobility", Lecture by: Laszlo Goerke.
"Missing at Work - Sickness related Absence and Subsequent Job Mobility", Lecture by: Laszlo Goerke.
Human Resource Management in a Global Environment (University of Augsburg,
"When the Meaning of Work Has Disappeared – Experimental Evidence on Employees’ Performance and Emotions", Lecture by: Vanessa Mertins.
"When the Meaning of Work Has Disappeared – Experimental Evidence on Employees’ Performance and Emotions", Lecture by: Vanessa Mertins.
18. Colloquium on Personnel Economics (Vienna University of Economics and Business,
"How job changes affect people‘s lives – Evidence from subjective well-being data", Lecture by: Clemens Hetschko.
"How job changes affect people‘s lives – Evidence from subjective well-being data", Lecture by: Clemens Hetschko.
Invited Talks
DIW Berlin, Seminar for Labour Market Research (14.10.2015):
"Smartphone Ban, Trust, and Workplace Productivity - Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment."
"Smartphone Ban, Trust, and Workplace Productivity - Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment."
University of Freiburg, Research Seminar (10.11.2015):
"Does TV Consumption Impair People’s Health and their Well-being? Evidence from a Natural Experiment on the German Public."
"Does TV Consumption Impair People’s Health and their Well-being? Evidence from a Natural Experiment on the German Public."
DIW Berlin, SOEP Brownbag-Seminar (27.04.2015):
"Do People Mean What They Say? Revisiting the Implications for Subjective Survey Data."
"Do People Mean What They Say? Revisiting the Implications for Subjective Survey Data."
Research Residences
DIW Berlin, SOEP-Forschungsdatenzentrum (Geo-Daten) (Berlin, 12.-14.10.2015).
DIW Berlin, SOEP-Forschungsdatenzentrum (Geo-Daten) (Berlin, 27.-30.04.2015).
Dr. Marco de Pinto
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
17. Annual Conference of the European Trade Study Group (Université Paris,
"Union Formation, Firm Selection and Aggregate Industry Productivity."
"Union Formation, Firm Selection and Aggregate Industry Productivity."
7. Economic Workshop (IAAEU Trier, 20.-21.02.2015):
"Union Formation, Firm Selection and Aggregate Industry Productivity."
"Union Formation, Firm Selection and Aggregate Industry Productivity."
17. Göttinger Workshop Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen (Göttingen, 18.-20.02.2015):
"Union Formation, Firm Selection and Aggregate Industry Productivity."
"Union Formation, Firm Selection and Aggregate Industry Productivity."
Coauthorship of Lectures
Lüneburg Workshop in Economics, Health and Labor Markets (Leuphana University Lüneburg,
"Sickness Absence, Presenteeism and Work-related Chararecteristics", Lecture by: Daniel Arnold.
"Sickness Absence, Presenteeism and Work-related Chararecteristics", Lecture by: Daniel Arnold.
Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik 2015 (Muenster University,
"Sickness Absence, Presenteeism and Work-related Chararecteristics", Lecture by: Daniel Arnold.
"Sickness Absence, Presenteeism and Work-related Chararecteristics", Lecture by: Daniel Arnold.
42. EARIE Annual Conference (LMU Munich, 28.-30.08.2015):
"Unionization, Information Asymmetry and the De-location of Firms", Lecture by: Jörg Lingens.
"Unionization, Information Asymmetry and the De-location of Firms", Lecture by: Jörg Lingens.
Spring Meeting of Young Economists (Ghent University, 21.-23.05.2015):
"Sickness Absence, Presenteeism and Work-related Chararecteristics", Lecture by: Daniel Arnold.
"Sickness Absence, Presenteeism and Work-related Chararecteristics", Lecture by: Daniel Arnold.
18. Colloquium on Personel Economics (Vienna University of Economics and Business,
"Sickness Absence, Presenteeism and Work-related Chararecteristics", Lecture by: Daniel Arnold.
"Sickness Absence, Presenteeism and Work-related Chararecteristics", Lecture by: Daniel Arnold.
Invited Talks
Colloquium Recht & Ökonomie (Kassel University, 13.01.2015):
"Unionization, Information Asymmetry and the De-location of Firms."
"Unionization, Information Asymmetry and the De-location of Firms."
M. Sc. Sabrina Jeworrek
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
Workshop on Experimental Labour and Personnel Economics (IAAEU Trier, 16.-17.10.2015):
"Project Failure and its Impact on Worker Productivity: A Field Experiment."
"Project Failure and its Impact on Worker Productivity: A Field Experiment."
ESA European Meeting 2015 (Heidelberg University, 02.-05.09.2015):
"The Impact of Basic Performance Feedback on the Gender Tournament Gap."
"The Impact of Basic Performance Feedback on the Gender Tournament Gap."
4. SOLE | EALE World Meeting (Montreal, 26.-28.06.2015):
"Paid Vacation Use: The Role of Works Councils."
"Paid Vacation Use: The Role of Works Councils."
29. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Izmir University of
Economics, 17.-20.06.2015):
"Do Agents Care for the Mission of their Job? A Field Experiment."
"Do Agents Care for the Mission of their Job? A Field Experiment."
Network for Integrated Behavioural Science (NIBS) 2015 Workshop (University Park Campus,
Nottingham, 21.-23.04.2015):
"Do Agents Care for the Mission of their Job? A Field Experiment."
"Do Agents Care for the Mission of their Job? A Field Experiment."
2. International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences (Institute for
Advanced Study, Toulouse, 15.-17.04.2015):
"Do Agents Care for the Mission of their Job? A Field Experiment."
"Do Agents Care for the Mission of their Job? A Field Experiment."
Coauthorship of Lectures
Human Resource Management in a Global Environment (University of Augsburg,
"When the Meaning of Work Has Disappeared", Lecture by: Vanessa Mertins.
"When the Meaning of Work Has Disappeared", Lecture by: Vanessa Mertins.
Verein für Socialpolitik – Ausschuss für Bevölkerungsökonomik (Federal Employment Agency
Nürnberg, 05.-07.02.2015):
"Paid Vacation Use: The Role of Works Councils", Lecture by: Laszlo Goerke.
"Paid Vacation Use: The Role of Works Councils", Lecture by: Laszlo Goerke.
Course Participation
American Economic Association (San Francisco, 05.-07.01.2016)
Continuing Education Program - Field Experiments.
Continuing Education Program - Field Experiments.
M. Sc. Olga Lorenz
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
IAB/ZEW Workshop "Assessing the Impact of Human Resource Management Practices" (ZEW Mannheim,
"Commuting and Sickness Absence."
"Commuting and Sickness Absence."
Lüneburg Workshop in Economics, Health and Labor Markets (Leuphana University Lüneburg,
"Commuting and Sickness Absence."
"Commuting and Sickness Absence."
Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik 2015 (Muenster University,
"Commuting and Sickness Absence."
"Commuting and Sickness Absence."
Spring Meeting of Young Economists 2015 (Ghent University, 21.–23.05.2015):
"Commuting and Sickness Absence."
"Commuting and Sickness Absence."
18. Colloquium on Personnel Economics (Vienna University of Economics and Business,
"Commuting and Sickness Absence."
"Commuting and Sickness Absence."
7. Economic Workshop (IAAEU Trier, 20.–21.02.2015):
"Commuting and Sickness Absence."
"Commuting and Sickness Absence."
Course Participation
Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (Barcelona, 29.06.–03.07.2015).
M. Sc. Gabriel Schultze
Conferences Attended
Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik 2015 (Muenster University, 06.-09.09.2015).
Course Participation
NEPS-Nutzerschulung: Einführung in die Daten der Startkohorte 5 (Bamberg, 02.-03.07.2015).
Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
World Congress of the International Economic Association (Jordanien, 06.-10.07.2014):
"Keeping up with the Joneses: Income Comparisons and Labour Supply."
"Keeping up with the Joneses: Income Comparisons and Labour Supply."
76. wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft
(Leipzig, 11.-13.06.2014):
"Sickness Absence and Works Councils - Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data."
"Sickness Absence and Works Councils - Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data."
CESifo Research Networks "Employment and Social Protection" (München, 02.-03.05.2014):
"Trade Union Membership and Paid Vacation in Germany."
"Trade Union Membership and Paid Vacation in Germany."
Coauthorship of Lectures
IAAEU Workshop on Co-Determination (Trier, 28.11.-29.11.2015):
"Job Insecurity as a Reason to Belong to a Trade Union", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
"Job Insecurity as a Reason to Belong to a Trade Union", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
World Congress of the International Economic Association (Jordanien, 06.-10.07.2014):
"Sickness Absence and Works Councils - Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data", Vortrag durch: Daniel Arnold.
"Sickness Absence and Works Councils - Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data", Vortrag durch: Daniel Arnold.
11. International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference (Berlin,
"Trade Union Membership and Paid Vacation in Germany", Vortrag durch: Sabrina Jeworrek.
"Trade Union Membership and Paid Vacation in Germany", Vortrag durch: Sabrina Jeworrek.
Poster Presentations
26. European Association of Labour Economics (EALE) Conference (Ljubljana,
"Trade Union Membership and Paid Vacation in Germany."
"Trade Union Membership and Paid Vacation in Germany."
M. Sc. Daniel Arnold
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
World Congress of the International Economic Association (Jordanien, 06.-10.07.2014):
"Sickness Absence and Works Councils - Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employee Data."
"Sickness Absence and Works Councils - Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employee Data."
Colloquium on Personnel Economics (POEK) (Köln, 17.-19.03.2014):
"The intensive margin of sickness presenteeism: Empirical evidence from European survey data."
"The intensive margin of sickness presenteeism: Empirical evidence from European survey data."
New Firms and the Quality of Work - Workshop (Tübingen, 20.-21.02.2014):
"The intensive margin of sickness presenteeism: Empirical evidence from European survey data."
"The intensive margin of sickness presenteeism: Empirical evidence from European survey data."
6. Ökonomischer Workshop (Trier, 14.-15.02.2014):
"Determinants of Sickness Absenteeism and Presenteeism: Substitutes, Complements or Neither?"
"Determinants of Sickness Absenteeism and Presenteeism: Substitutes, Complements or Neither?"
European doctoral workshop on industrial relations and labor markets (Amsterdam,
"The intensive margin of sickness presenteeism: Empirical evidence from European survey data."
"The intensive margin of sickness presenteeism: Empirical evidence from European survey data."
Invited Talks
Finanzwissenschaftliches Forschungsseminar (Universität Göttingen, 03.07.2014):
"The influence of work-related characteristics on the interdependence between sickness absence and presenteeism."
"The influence of work-related characteristics on the interdependence between sickness absence and presenteeism."
Dr. Adrian Chadi
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
IAAEU Workshop on Co-Determination (Trier, 28.-29.11.2014):
"Job Insecurity as a Reason to Belong to a Trade Union."
"Job Insecurity as a Reason to Belong to a Trade Union."
26. European Association of Labour Economics (EALE) Conference (Ljubljana,
"When the meaning of work has disappered - experimental evidence on employees' perfomance and emotions."
"When the meaning of work has disappered - experimental evidence on employees' perfomance and emotions."
The XII Quality of Life Conference 2014 (Berlin, 15.-18.09.2014):
"Dissatisfied with Life or with Being Interviewed? Happiness and Motivation to Participate in a Survey."
"Dissatisfied with Life or with Being Interviewed? Happiness and Motivation to Participate in a Survey."
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik (VfS) (Hamburg, 07.-10.09.2014):
"Dissatisfied with Life or with Being Interviewed? Happiness and Motivation to Participate in a Survey."
"Dissatisfied with Life or with Being Interviewed? Happiness and Motivation to Participate in a Survey."
29. Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (Toulouse, 25.-29.08.2014):
"The Magic of the New: How Job Changes Affect Job Satisfaction."
"The Magic of the New: How Job Changes Affect Job Satisfaction."
Annual Meeting of the International Association for Applied Econometrics (London,
"Dissatisfied with Life or with Being Interviewed? Happiness and Motivation to Participate in a Survey."
"Dissatisfied with Life or with Being Interviewed? Happiness and Motivation to Participate in a Survey."
13. Journées Louis-André Gerard-Varet (Aix-en-Provence, 23.-24.6.2014):
"Dissatisfied with Life or with Being Interviewed? Happiness and Motivation to Participate in a Survey."
"Dissatisfied with Life or with Being Interviewed? Happiness and Motivation to Participate in a Survey."
28. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Braga,
"Emotions at Work? Task Meaning in Retrospect."
"Emotions at Work? Task Meaning in Retrospect."
7. Maastricht Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium (Maastricht, 02.06.2014):
"Emotions at Work? Task Meaning in Retrospect."
"Emotions at Work? Task Meaning in Retrospect."
Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association (Wien, 30.-31.5.2014):
"Dissatisfied with Life or with Being Interviewed? Happiness and Motivation to Participate in a Survey."
"Dissatisfied with Life or with Being Interviewed? Happiness and Motivation to Participate in a Survey."
5. Annual Meeting of the French Experimental Economics Association (Besancon,
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?"
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?"
Scottish Economic Society 2014 Annual Conference (Perth, 28.-30.04.2014):
"The Magic of the New? Job Changes and Job Satisfaction."
"The Magic of the New? Job Changes and Job Satisfaction."
19. Spring Meeting of Young Economists (Wien, 24-26.04.2014):
"The Magic of the New? Job Changes and Job Satisfaction."
"The Magic of the New? Job Changes and Job Satisfaction."
1. International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences (Oxford,
"Emotions at Work? Task Meaning in Retrospect."
"Emotions at Work? Task Meaning in Retrospect."
Colloquium on Personnel Economics (POEK) (Köln, 17.-19.03.2014):
"The Magic of the New: How Job Changes Affect Job Satisfaction."
"The Magic of the New: How Job Changes Affect Job Satisfaction."
New Firms and the Quality of Work - Workshop (Tübingen, 20.-21.02.2014):
"The Magic of the New? Job Changes and Job Satisfaction."
"The Magic of the New? Job Changes and Job Satisfaction."
6. Ökonomischer Workshop (Trier, 14.-15.02.2014):
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?"
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?"
Coauthorship of Lectures
26. European Association of Labour Economics (EALE) Conference (Ljubljana,
"The Magic of the New: How Job Changes Affect Job Satisfaction", Vortrag durch: Clemens Hetschko.
"The Magic of the New: How Job Changes Affect Job Satisfaction", Vortrag durch: Clemens Hetschko.
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik (VfS) (Hamburg, 07.-10.09.2014):
"The Magic of the New: How Job Changes Affect Job Satisfaction", Vortrag durch: Clemens Hetschko.
"The Magic of the New: How Job Changes Affect Job Satisfaction", Vortrag durch: Clemens Hetschko.
29. Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (Toulouse, 25.-29.08.2014):
"When the meaning of work has disappeared – experimental evidence on employees’ performance and emotions", Vortrag durch: Sabrina Jeworrek.
"When the meaning of work has disappeared – experimental evidence on employees’ performance and emotions", Vortrag durch: Sabrina Jeworrek.
28. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Braga,
"The Magic of the New: How Job Changes Affect Job Satisfaction", Vortrag durch: Clemens Hetschko.
"The Magic of the New: How Job Changes Affect Job Satisfaction", Vortrag durch: Clemens Hetschko.
Annual Meeting of the Austrian Economic Association (Wien, 30.-31.05.2014):
"The Magic of the New: How Job Changes Affect Job Satisfaction", Vortrag durch: Clemens Hetschko.
"The Magic of the New: How Job Changes Affect Job Satisfaction", Vortrag durch: Clemens Hetschko.
Experimental Methods in Policy (Curaçao, 15.–19.02.2014):
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Vanessa Mertins.
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Vanessa Mertins.
Dr. Marco de Pinto
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
European Trade Study Group (ETSG) (München, 11.-13.09.2014):
"Unionization, Information Asymmetry and the Delocation of Firms."
"Unionization, Information Asymmetry and the Delocation of Firms."
6. Ökonomischer Workshop (Trier, 14.-15.02.2014):
"Trade Unions, Information Asymmetries and Delocation of Firms."
"Trade Unions, Information Asymmetries and Delocation of Firms."
Coauthorship of Lectures
Finanzwissenschaftliches Forschungsseminar (Universität Göttingen, 03.07.2014):
"The influence of work-related characteristics on the interdependence between sickness absence and presenteeism", Vortrag durch: Daniel Arnold.
"The influence of work-related characteristics on the interdependence between sickness absence and presenteeism", Vortrag durch: Daniel Arnold.
6. Ökonomischer Workshop (Trier, 14.-15.02.2014):
Determinants of Sickness Absenteeism and Presenteeism: Substitutes, Complements or Neither?", Vortrag durch: Daniel Arnold.
Determinants of Sickness Absenteeism and Presenteeism: Substitutes, Complements or Neither?", Vortrag durch: Daniel Arnold.
Conferences Attended
16. Göttinger Workshop für Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen (Göttingen, 26.-28.2.2014).
Invited Talks
Research Seminar in Economics (Universität Tübingen, 15.7.2014):
"Unionization, Information Asymmetry and the De-location of Firms."
"Unionization, Information Asymmetry and the De-location of Firms."
ZEW Research Seminar (ZEW Mannheim, 10.3.2014):
"Wage-Setting Structure and Unemployment under Wage Inequality."
"Wage-Setting Structure and Unemployment under Wage Inequality."
Ökonomisches Forschungsseminar (Universität Münster, 05.02.2014):
"Wage Setting Structure, Relative Wages and Firm-Level Heterogeneity."
"Wage Setting Structure, Relative Wages and Firm-Level Heterogeneity."
M. Sc. Sabrina Jeworrek
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
Forschungskolloguium (Freiburg, 12.11.2014):
"When Pay Increases are Not Enough: The Economic Value of Wage Delegation in the Field."
"When Pay Increases are Not Enough: The Economic Value of Wage Delegation in the Field."
IAAEU Workshop on Co-Determination (Trier, 27.-29.11.2014):
"When Pay Increases are Not Enough: The Economic Value of Wage Delegation in the Field."
"When Pay Increases are Not Enough: The Economic Value of Wage Delegation in the Field."
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik (VfS) (Hamburg, 07.-09.09.2014):
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees' Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment."
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees' Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment."
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik (VfS) (Hamburg, 07.-10.09.2014):
"When Pay Increases are Not Enough: The Economic Value of Wage Delegation in the Field."
"When Pay Increases are Not Enough: The Economic Value of Wage Delegation in the Field."
68. European Meeting of the Econometric Society (Toulouse, 25.-29.08.2014):
"When Pay Increases are Not Enough: The Economic Value of Wage Delegation in the Field."
"When Pay Increases are Not Enough: The Economic Value of Wage Delegation in the Field."
28. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Braga,
"When Pay Increases are Not Enough: The Economic Value of Wage Delegation in the Field."
"When Pay Increases are Not Enough: The Economic Value of Wage Delegation in the Field."
29. Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (Toulouse, 25.-29.08.2014):
"When the Meaning of Work Has Disappeared – Experimental Evidence on Employees’ Performance and Emotions."
"When the Meaning of Work Has Disappeared – Experimental Evidence on Employees’ Performance and Emotions."
11. International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference (Berlin, 30.06.-
"Trade Union Membership and Paid Vacation in Germany."
"Trade Union Membership and Paid Vacation in Germany."
Spring Meeting of Young Economists (Wien, 24.–26.04.2014):
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment."
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment."
1. International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences (Oxford, 10.
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment."
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment."
Colloquium on Personnel Economics (POEK) (Köln, 19.–21.03.2014):
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment."
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment."
RGS Doctoral Conferences (Dortmund, 26.-28.02.2014):
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment.
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment.
Experimental Methods in Policy (Curaçao, 15.–19.02.2014):
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment."
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment."
European doctoral workshop on industrial relations and labor markets (Amsterdam,
"Trade Union Membership and Paid Vacation in Germany."
"Trade Union Membership and Paid Vacation in Germany."
Coauthorship of Lectures
6. Ökonomischer Workshop (Trier, 14.–15.02.2014):
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
Experimental Methods in Policy(Curaçao, 15.–19.02.2014):
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Vanessa Mertins.
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Vanessa Mertins.
1. International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences Oxford,
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
5. Annual Meeting of the French Experimental Economics Association(Besancon,
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
7. Maastricht Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium(Maastricht, 02.06.2014):
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
28. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics(Braga,
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
26. European Association of Labour Economics (EALE)Conference (Ljubljana,
"When the Meaning of Work Has Disappeared - Experimental Evidence on Employees` Performance and Emotions", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
"When the Meaning of Work Has Disappeared - Experimental Evidence on Employees` Performance and Emotions", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
26. European Association of Labour Economics (EALE) Conference(Ljubljana,
"Trade Union Membership and Paid Vacation in Germany", Vortrag durch: Laszlo Goerke.
"Trade Union Membership and Paid Vacation in Germany", Vortrag durch: Laszlo Goerke.
CESifo Research Networks "Employment and Social Protection"(München, 02.-03.05.2014):
"Trade Union Membership and Paid Vacation in Germany", Vortrag durch: Laszlo Goerke.
"Trade Union Membership and Paid Vacation in Germany", Vortrag durch: Laszlo Goerke.
Course Participation
26. European Association of Labour Economics (EALE) Conference (Ljubljana,
"When Pay Increases are Not Enough: The Economic Value of Wage Delegation in the Field."
"When Pay Increases are Not Enough: The Economic Value of Wage Delegation in the Field."
The gender pay gap revisited – causes and consequences of horizontal and vertical gender inequalities
on the labour market (Amsterdam, 07.-11.07.2014).
Field Experiments and Randomized Control Trials (Colchester, 29.04.-01.05.2014).
Poster Presentations
26. European Association of Labour Economics (EALE) Conference (Ljubljana,
"When Pay Increases are Not Enough. The Economic Value of Wage Delegation in the Field."
"When Pay Increases are Not Enough. The Economic Value of Wage Delegation in the Field."
M. Sc. Olga Lorenz
Conferences Attended
Colloquium on Personnel Economics (POEK) (Köln, 19.-21.03.2014).
Course Participation
Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics (BGPE-course Data Visualisation & Health Econometrics,
Muggendorf, 07.-12.09.2014).
Barcelona Microeconometrics Summer School (BMiSS, Barcelona Graduate School of Economics,
Barcelona, 30.06.-11.07.2014).
Workshop „SOEPcampus@DIW Berlin 2014 – Einführung in die Nutzung der SOEP-Daten“ (Berlin,
Research Residence
Forschungsdatenzentrum des SOEP (Berlin, 21.-26.02.2014).
Dr. Mario Mechtel
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
9. Nordic Conference on Behavioral and Experimental Economics (Aarhus, 26.-27.09.2014):
"Peer effects in cheating on task performance."
"Peer effects in cheating on task performance."
XV. Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse der Unternehmung (Regensburg, 22.-24.09.2014):
"Peer effects in cheating on task performance."
"Peer effects in cheating on task performance."
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik (VfS) (Hamburg, 07.-10.09.2014):
"Endogenous Social Identity and Group Choice."
"Endogenous Social Identity and Group Choice."
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik (07.-10.09.2014):
"Endogenous Social Identity and Group Choice."
"Endogenous Social Identity and Group Choice."
76. Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft
(Leipzig, 11.-13.06.2014):
"Peer effects in cheating on task performance."
"Peer effects in cheating on task performance."
19. Spring Meeting of Young Economists (Vienna, 24.-26.04.2014):
"Peer effects in cheating on task performance."
"Peer effects in cheating on task performance."
17. Colloquium on Personnel Economics (Köln, 19.-21.03.2014):
"Peer effects in cheating on task performance."
"Peer effects in cheating on task performance."
6. Ökonomischer Workshop (Trier, 14.-15.02.2014):
"Endogenous Social Identity and Group Choice."
"Endogenous Social Identity and Group Choice."
Coauthorship of Lectures
26. Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) Conference
(Ljubljana, 18.-20.09.2014):
"Positional Income Concerns and Personality", Lecture by: Markus Pannenberg.
"Positional Income Concerns and Personality", Lecture by: Markus Pannenberg.
11. International German Socio-Economic Panel User Conference (Berlin,
"Positional Income Concerns and Personality", Lecture by: Markus Pannenberg.
"Positional Income Concerns and Personality", Lecture by: Markus Pannenberg.
7. Maastricht Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium (Maastricht, 02.06.2014):
"Endogenous Social Identity and Group Choice", Lecture by: Florian Hett.
"Endogenous Social Identity and Group Choice", Lecture by: Florian Hett.
6. Ökonomischer Workshop (Trier, 14.-15.02.2014):
"Positional Income Concerns and Personality", Lecture by: Markus Pannenberg.
"Positional Income Concerns and Personality", Lecture by: Markus Pannenberg.
Invited Talks
Research Seminar (University of Freiburg, 02.12.2014):
"Voting and Social Identity."
"Voting and Social Identity."
Finanzwissenschaftliches Forschungsseminar (Universität Göttingen, 03.07.2014):
"Voting and Social Identity."
"Voting and Social Identity."
Brownbag Seminar (Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics, 21.05.2014):
"Peer effects in cheating on task performance."
"Peer effects in cheating on task performance."
Dr. Vanessa Mertins
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
Experimental Methods in Policy (Curaçao, 15. –19.02.2014):
Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?"
Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?"
Coauthorship of Lectures
6. Ökonomischer Workshop (Trier, 14.-15.02.2014):
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
Experimental Methods in Policy (Curaçao, 15.–19.02.2014):
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
RGS Doctoral Conferences (Dortmund, 26.-28.02.2014):
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
Colloquium on Personnel Economics (POEK) (Köln, 19.–21.03.2014):
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
1. International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences (Oxford,
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
1. International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences (Oxford,
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
19. Spring Meeting of Young Economists (Vienna, 24.–26.04.2014):
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
5. Annual Meeting of the French Experimental Economics Association (Besancon,
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
7. Maastricht Behavioral and Experimental Economics Symposium (Maastricht, 02.06.2014):
"When the meaning of work has disappeared: Experimental Evidence on Employees' Perfomance and Emotions", Lecture by: Adrian Chadi.
"When the meaning of work has disappeared: Experimental Evidence on Employees' Perfomance and Emotions", Lecture by: Adrian Chadi.
28. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Braga,
Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
28. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Braga,
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
29. Annual Congress of the European Economic Association (Toulouse, 25.-29.08.2014):
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
68. European Meeting of the Econometric Society (Toulouse, 25.-29.08. 2014):
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek..
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek..
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik (VfS) (Hamburg, 07.-10.09.2014):
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees’ Performance? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
26. European Association of Labour Economics (EALE) Conference (Ljubljana,
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Adrian Chadi.
IAAEU Workshop on Co-Determination (Trier, 27.-29.11.2014):
"When Pay Increases are Not Enough: The Economic Value of Wage Delegation in the Field", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
"When Pay Increases are Not Enough: The Economic Value of Wage Delegation in the Field", Lecture by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
Forschungskolloguium (Freiburg, 12.11.2014):
"When Pay Increases are Not Enough: The Economic Value of Wage Delegation in the Field", Lecutre by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
"When Pay Increases are Not Enough: The Economic Value of Wage Delegation in the Field", Lecutre by: Sabrina Jeworrek.
Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
European Public Choice Society (Zürich, 02.-05.04.2013):
"Distribution and Welfare Effects of Dismissal Dispute Resolution System."
"Distribution and Welfare Effects of Dismissal Dispute Resolution System."
CESifo München Research Network (10.-11.05.2013):
"Keeping up with the Joneses: Income Comparisons and Labour Supply, Employment and Social Protection."
"Keeping up with the Joneses: Income Comparisons and Labour Supply, Employment and Social Protection."
Public Happiness (Rom, 05.-06.06.2013):
"Direct Evidence on Income Comparisons and Subjective Well-Being"
"Direct Evidence on Income Comparisons and Subjective Well-Being"
14. International Meeting of the Association of Public Economic Theory (Lissabon,
"Tax Buyout and Tax Evasion."
"Tax Buyout and Tax Evasion."
Coauthorship of Lectures
16. Personalökonomisches Kolloquium (Tübingen, 19.-21.02.2013):
"Sickness Absence, Works Councils, and Personnel Problems", Vortrag durch: Daniel Arnold.
"Sickness Absence, Works Councils, and Personnel Problems", Vortrag durch: Daniel Arnold.
27. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Aarhus,
"Keeping up with the Joneses: Income Comparisons and Labour Supply", Vortrag durch: Markus Pannenberg.
"Keeping up with the Joneses: Income Comparisons and Labour Supply", Vortrag durch: Markus Pannenberg.
16. Personalökonomisches Kolloquium (Tübingen, 19.-21.02.2013):
"Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data", Vortrag durch: Daniel Arnold.
"Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data", Vortrag durch: Daniel Arnold.
27. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Aarhus,
"Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data", Vortrag durch: Daniel Arnold.
"Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data", Vortrag durch: Daniel Arnold.
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik (Düsseldorf, 04.-07.09.2013):
Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data", Vortrag durch: Daniel Arnold.
Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data", Vortrag durch: Daniel Arnold.
25. Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists (Turin,
Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data", Vortrag durch: Daniel Arnold.
Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data", Vortrag durch: Daniel Arnold.
The Impact of Human Resource Management – Empirical Analyses of Firms and Employees (ZEW
Mannheim, 22.-23.11.2013):
"Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data", Vortrag durch: Tobias Brändle.
"Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data", Vortrag durch: Tobias Brändle.
Conferences Attended
Ausschuss für Bevölkerungsökonomik des Vereins für Socialpolitik (St. Gallen,
Hans-Böckler-Forum (Berlin, 21.-22.03.2013).
Invited Lectures
FZID Lecture Series: Economics Research Seminar (Universität Hohenheim, 23.4.2013):
"Keeping up with the Joneses: Income Comparisons and Labour Supply."
"Keeping up with the Joneses: Income Comparisons and Labour Supply."
56. Tagung des Finanzwissenschaftlichen Ausschusses des Vereins für Socialpolitik (Freiburg,
Fakultätsseminar (Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, 18.06.2013):
"Keeping up with the Joneses: Income Comparisons and Labour Supply."
"Keeping up with the Joneses: Income Comparisons and Labour Supply."
M. Sc. Daniel Arnold
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
16. Personalökonomisches Kolloquium (Tübingen, 19.-21.02.2013):
"Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data."
"Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data."
5. Ökonomischer Workshop (Trier, 01.-02.03.2013):
"Determinants of Presenteeism in Europe."
"Determinants of Presenteeism in Europe."
27. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Aarhus,
"Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data."
"Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data."
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik (Düsseldorf, 04.-07.09.2013):
"Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data."
"Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data."
25. Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists (Turin,
"Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data."
"Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data."
The Impact of Human Resource Management – Empirical Analyses of Firms and Employees (ZEW
Mannheim, 22.-23.11.2013):
"The Intensive Margin of Sickness Presenteeism: Empirical Evidence from European Survey Data."
"The Intensive Margin of Sickness Presenteeism: Empirical Evidence from European Survey Data."
Coauthorship of Lectures
The Impact of Human Resource Management – Empirical Analyses of Firms and Employees (ZEW
Mannheim, 22.-23.11.2013):
"Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data", Vortrag durch: Tobias Brändle.
"Sickness Absence, Works councils, and Personnel Problems. Evidence from German Individual and Linked Employer-Employee Data", Vortrag durch: Tobias Brändle.
Conferences Attended (Poster-Presentation)
10. TEPP Conference „Research on Health and Labour“ (Le Mans, 26.-27.09.2013):
"Sickness Presenteeism: Empirical Evidence from European Survey Data."
"Sickness Presenteeism: Empirical Evidence from European Survey Data."
Dr. Adrian Chadi
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
5. Ökonomischer Workshop (Trier, 01.-02.03.2013):
"Why are Workers so Happy in their New Job?"
"Why are Workers so Happy in their New Job?"
3. SEEK Konferenz „Engines for More and Better Jobs in Europe" (Mannheim,
"Flexibilisation without Hesitation? Temporary Contracts and Workers' Satisfaction."
"Flexibilisation without Hesitation? Temporary Contracts and Workers' Satisfaction."
Beyond Wages - a Workshop on Human Capital and Labour Markets (London, 23.-24.05.2013):
"Flexibilisation without Hesitation? Temporary Contracts and Workers' Satisfaction."
"Flexibilisation without Hesitation? Temporary Contracts and Workers' Satisfaction."
Public Happiness (Rom, 05.-06.06.2013):
"The Role of Survey Methodology in the Reporting of Happiness."
"The Role of Survey Methodology in the Reporting of Happiness."
Statistische Woche (Berlin, 17.-20.09.2013):
"The Role of Survey Methodology in the Reporting of Happiness."
"The Role of Survey Methodology in the Reporting of Happiness."
25. Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists (Turin,
"Flexibilisation without Hesitation? Temporary Contracts and Workers’ Satisfaction."
"Flexibilisation without Hesitation? Temporary Contracts and Workers’ Satisfaction."
10. TEPP Conference "Research on Health and Labour" (Le Mans, 26.-27.09.2013):
"Flexibilisation without Hesitation? Temporary Contracts and Workers’ Satisfaction."
"Flexibilisation without Hesitation? Temporary Contracts and Workers’ Satisfaction."
Coauthorship of Lectures
Statistische Woche (Berlin):
"Flexibilisation without Hesitation? Temporary Contracts and Workers’ Satisfaction", Vortrag durch: Clemens Hetschko.
"Flexibilisation without Hesitation? Temporary Contracts and Workers’ Satisfaction", Vortrag durch: Clemens Hetschko.
ZEW Workshop on "The Impact of Human Resource Management" (Mannheim, 22.-23.11.2013):
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Vanessa Mertins.
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Vanessa Mertins.
Conferences Attended (Poster-Presentation)
12. TIBER Symposium on Psychology and Economics (Tilburg, 16.08.2013):
"The Role of Survey Methodology in the Reporting of Happiness."
"The Role of Survey Methodology in the Reporting of Happiness."
Dr. Marco de Pinto
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
5. Ökonomischer Workshop (Trier, 01.-02.03.2013):
"Trade Liberalization and Unions' Bargaining Power."
"Trade Liberalization and Unions' Bargaining Power."
15. Göttinger Workshop Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen (Göttingen,
"Trade Liberalization and Unions' Bargaining Power."
"Trade Liberalization and Unions' Bargaining Power."
Wolfgang Hoffeld
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
16. Personalökonomisches Kolloquium (Tübingen, 19.-21.02.2013):
"Gender, Overconfidence and Differences in Cooperativeness." (mit Vanessa Mertins)
"Gender, Overconfidence and Differences in Cooperativeness." (mit Vanessa Mertins)
M. Sc. Sabrina Jeworrek
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
VIII Edition of the Alhambra Experimental Workshop (Rom, 3.-5.10.2013):
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees‘ Performance? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment."
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees‘ Performance? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment."
ZEW Workshop "The Impact of Human Resource Management" (Mannheim, 22.-23.11.2013):
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees‘ Performance? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment".
"Do Self-Determined Wages Really Improve Employees‘ Performance? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment".
Coauthorship of Lectures
ZEW Workshop "The Impact of Human Resource Management" (Mannheim, 22.-23.11.2013):
Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Vanessa Mertins.
Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?", Vortrag durch: Vanessa Mertins.
Conferences Attended
EALE Conference (Bonn, 20.-22.09.2012). (Nachtrag vom letzten Jahr)
Invited Lectures
Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis (Colchester, 08.-19.07.2013).
Crash Course Experimental Economics (Amsterdam, 22.-26.07.2013).
Dr. Mario Mechtel
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
2013 World Meetings of the Economic Science Association (Zürich, 11.-14.07.2013):
"The Role of Task Meaning on Output in Groups: Experimental Evidence."
"The Role of Task Meaning on Output in Groups: Experimental Evidence."
3. Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association (Barcelona,
"Voting and Social Identity."
"Voting and Social Identity."
9. International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Economics (Madrid,
"The Role of Task Meaning on Output in Groups: Experimental Evidence."
"The Role of Task Meaning on Output in Groups: Experimental Evidence."
2013 Meeting of the European Public Choice Society (Zürich, 03.-06.04.2013):
"Voting and Social Identity."
"Voting and Social Identity."
5. Ökonomischer Workshop (Trier, 01.-02.03.2013):
"The Role of Task Meaning on Output in Groups: Experimental Evidence."
"The Role of Task Meaning on Output in Groups: Experimental Evidence."
Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung 2013 (Helmstedt,
"Endogenous Social Identity and Group Choice."
"Endogenous Social Identity and Group Choice."
14. Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse der Unternehmung (Magdeburg, 25.-27.9.2013):
"The role of task meaning on output in groups: Experimental evidence."
"The role of task meaning on output in groups: Experimental evidence."
Coauthorship of Lectures
16. Personalökonomisches Kolloquium (Tübingen, 19.-21.02.2013):
"The Role of Task Meaning on Output in Groups: Experimental Evidence", Vortrag durch: Agnes Bäker.
"The Role of Task Meaning on Output in Groups: Experimental Evidence", Vortrag durch: Agnes Bäker.
Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung 2013 (Helmstedt,
"The dark side of peer effects", Vortrag durch: Agnes Bäker.
"The dark side of peer effects", Vortrag durch: Agnes Bäker.
2013 World Meetings of the Economic Science Association (Zürich, 11.-14.07.2013):
"Endogenous Social Identity and Group Choice", Vortrag durch: Florian Hett.
"Endogenous Social Identity and Group Choice", Vortrag durch: Florian Hett.
Conferences Attended
Workshop on Early Childhood Development with James Heckman, (Zürich, 22.03.2013.
Invited Lectures
Markus Kröll: Endogenous Social Identity and Group Choice, Brownbagseminar(Universität
Frankfurt, 14.11.2013.
Voting and Social Identity, Forschungsseminar (Universität Lüneburg, 13.11.2013.
The dark side of peer effects, Brownbagseminar (Universität Trier, 17.10.2013.
Florian Hett: Endogenous Social Identity and Group Choice, Brownbagseminar (Universität
Mainz, 09.07.2013.
Endogenous Social Identity and Group Choice, Brownbagseminar (Universität Trier, 04.07.2013.
Agnes Bäker: The role of task meaning on output in groups: Experimental evidence, PhD-Seminar
(Bournemouth, 21.03.2013.
Do Individuals Trade-Off Social Identity and Material Payoffs?, Brownbagseminar (Universität
Trier, 07.02.2013.
The Effect of the Recent Economic Crisis on Workers' Sickness Absence, Brownbagseminar
(Universität Trier, 14.02.2013.
Research Residences
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 19.-24.09.2013.
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 19.-23.08.2013.
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, 28.-30.08.2013.
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 23.-24.05.2013.
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, 02.-03.05.2013.
Dr. Vanessa Mertins
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
16. Personalökonomisches Kolloquium (POEK) (Tübingen, 19.-21.02.2013):
"Gender, Overconfidence, and Differences in Cooperativeness."
"Gender, Overconfidence, and Differences in Cooperativeness."
5. Ökonomischer Workshop (Trier, 01.-02.03.2013):
"Gender Differences in Responsiveness to a Homo Economicus Prime in the Gift-Exchange Game."
"Gender Differences in Responsiveness to a Homo Economicus Prime in the Gift-Exchange Game."
Workshop "The Impact of Human Resource Management - Empirical Analyses of Firms and
Employees" (ZEW Mannheim, 22.-23.11.2013):
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?"
"Does Task Meaning Matter in Retrospect?"
8. Alhambra Experimental Workshop (Rom, 03.-05.10.2013):
"Gender Differences in Responsiveness to a Homo Economicus Prime in the Gift-Exchange Game."
"Gender Differences in Responsiveness to a Homo Economicus Prime in the Gift-Exchange Game."
NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference: "Bridging Boundaries: Applying Neuroeconomics to Medicine, Social
Science and Business" (Bonn, 06.-07.06.2013):
"Gender differences in the responsiveness to situational cues."
"Gender differences in the responsiveness to situational cues."
Conferences Attended (Poster-Presentation)
Workshop on Self-control, Self-regulation and Education (Aarhus, 02.-04.12.2013):
"Self-Regulation and Optimal Educational Attainment Decisions."
"Self-Regulation and Optimal Educational Attainment Decisions."
NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference (Bonn, 06.-07.06.2013):
"Gender Differences in Responsiveness to Situational Cues."
"Gender Differences in Responsiveness to Situational Cues."
Coauthorship of Lectures
Jörg Franke: Workers' Co-Determination and Incentives in the Laboratory, IMEBE, Madrid,
Sabrina Jeworrek: Do self-determined wages really improve employees’ performance?
Evidence from a natural field experiment, Workshop "The Impact of Human Resource Management - Empirical
Analyses of Firms and Employees", ZEW Mannheim, 22.-23.11.2013.
Sabrina Jeworrek: Do self-determined wages really improve employees’ performance?
Evidence from a natural field experiment, 8. Alhambra Experimental Workshop in Roma, Rom, 03.-05.10.2013.
Prof. Dr. Laszlo Goerke
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik (Göttingen, 09/2012):
"Profit Sharing and Relative Consumption."
"Profit Sharing and Relative Consumption."
CEPR European Summer Symposium in Labour Economics (Buch Ammersee, 09/2012):
"Trade Union Membership and Sickness Absence: Evidence from a Sick Pay Reform."
"Trade Union Membership and Sickness Absence: Evidence from a Sick Pay Reform."
CESifo Research Network "Public Sector Economics” (München, 04/2012):
"Relative Consumption and Tax Evasion."
"Relative Consumption and Tax Evasion."
CESifo Research Network "Employment and Social Protection” (München, 04/2012):
"Trade Union Membership and Sickness Absence: Evidence from a Sick Pay Reform."
"Trade Union Membership and Sickness Absence: Evidence from a Sick Pay Reform."
Personalökonomisches Kolloquium (Paderborn, 03/2012):
"Trade Union Membership and Sickness Absence: Evidence from a Sick Pay Reform."
"Trade Union Membership and Sickness Absence: Evidence from a Sick Pay Reform."
M. Sc. Daniel Arnold
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
World Congress of the Public Choice Societies World Meeting (Miami, 03/2012):
"Benefit morale and cross-country diversity in sick pay entitlements."
"Benefit morale and cross-country diversity in sick pay entitlements."
THE Workshop (Hohenheim, 06/2012):
"Sickness absence and works councils – Evidence from German linked employer-employee-data."
"Sickness absence and works councils – Evidence from German linked employer-employee-data."
Dr. Adrian Chadi
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
11. TIBER Symposium on Psychology and Economics (Tilburg, 24.08.2012):
"Flexibilisation without Hesitation? Temporary Contracts and Workers’ Satisfaction."
"Flexibilisation without Hesitation? Temporary Contracts and Workers’ Satisfaction."
Internationale Nutzerkonferenz des Sozioökonomischen Panels (Berlin, 06/2012):
"The role of survey methodology in the reporting of satisfaction."
"The role of survey methodology in the reporting of satisfaction."
Research Seminar in Economics (Freie Universität Berlin, 02/2012):
"Flexibilisation without Hesitation? Temporary Contracts and Workers' Satisfaction."
"Flexibilisation without Hesitation? Temporary Contracts and Workers' Satisfaction."
Dr. Marco de Pinto
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik (Göttingen, 09/2012):
"Unemployment Benefits as Redistribution Scheme of Trade Gains – a Positive Analysis."
"Unemployment Benefits as Redistribution Scheme of Trade Gains – a Positive Analysis."
14. Jahreskonferenz der European Trade Study Group (ETSG) (Leuven, 09/2012):
"An Optimal Redistribution Scheme of Trade Gains"
"An Optimal Redistribution Scheme of Trade Gains"
5. FIW-Research Conference International Economics (Wien, 04/2012):
"Unemployment Benefits as Redistribution Scheme of Trade Gains – a Positive Analysis"
"Unemployment Benefits as Redistribution Scheme of Trade Gains – a Positive Analysis"
14. Göttinger Workshop Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen (Universität Göttingen,
"Unemployment Benefits as Redistribution Scheme of Trade Gains – a Positive Analysis"
"Unemployment Benefits as Redistribution Scheme of Trade Gains – a Positive Analysis"
Dr. Mario Mechtel
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
Jahrestagung des Vereins für Socialpolitik (Göttingen, 09/2012):
"Keeping up with the Müllers: Conspicuous Consumption in Reunified Germany."
"Keeping up with the Müllers: Conspicuous Consumption in Reunified Germany."
26. Annual Conference of the European Society for Population Economics (Bern, 06/2012):
"Political candidates’ occupations and their success in low-information elections."
"Political candidates’ occupations and their success in low-information elections."
World Congress of the Public Choice Societies World Meeting (Miami, 03/2012):
"Keeping up with the Müllers: Conspicuous Consumption in Reunified Germany."
"Keeping up with the Müllers: Conspicuous Consumption in Reunified Germany."
Conferences Attended
Personalökonomisches Kolloquium (Paderborn, 3/2012).
Dr. Vanessa Mertins
Conferences Attended as Lecturing Contributor
Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung (GfeW) (Karlsruhe,
"Gender, Productivity and Differences in Cooperativeness: Evidence from a Real-Effort Experiment."
"Gender, Productivity and Differences in Cooperativeness: Evidence from a Real-Effort Experiment."
Kommission Personalwesen (Hamburg, 26.-28.9.2012):
"Are lawyers fair and economists greedy?" und "Priming and gender differences."
"Are lawyers fair and economists greedy?" und "Priming and gender differences."
European Conference of the Economic Science Association (ESA) (Köln, 12.-15.09.2012):
"Priming and gender differences"
"Priming and gender differences"
NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference (Rotterdam, 14.-15.06.2012):
"The predictive value of the 2D:4D digit ratio for performance and competitive behavior in a real effort experiment"
"The predictive value of the 2D:4D digit ratio for performance and competitive behavior in a real effort experiment"
NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference (Rotterdam, 14.-15.06.2012):
"Can genotype predict player type?"
"Can genotype predict player type?"
Workshop Non-Monetary Incentives and Economic Behaviour (Mailand, 05/2012):
"Non-monetary awards within team-based compensation: incentive effects vs. group selection effects"
"Non-monetary awards within team-based compensation: incentive effects vs. group selection effects"
Personalökonomisches Kolloquium (Padernborn, 03/2012):
"Non-monetary awards within team-based compensation: incentive effects vs. group selection effects."
"Non-monetary awards within team-based compensation: incentive effects vs. group selection effects."
Netzwerktreffen Tübingen (01/2012):
"A stress test for laboratory gift exchange"
"A stress test for laboratory gift exchange"